Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/299

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-xiv. 2

The Āpast. text (Wint., p. 67 ⌊MP. i. 6. 11⌋) has the same verse, but with sugám pánthānam ā́ ‘rukṣam áriṣṭaṁ svas- in a, b. Kāuç. uses it in 77. 2, with 1. 64: see the note to 1. 64. ⌊For yásmin in c Ppp. has the sense-equivalent yatra: cf. its oṣam for our kṣiprám at xii. 1. 35; etc.⌋

9. Pray hear ye now of me, O men, by what blessing (āçís) the two spouses attain what is agreeable (vāmá): what Gandharvas [there are] and heavenly Apsarases, who stand upon these forest trees (vānaspatyá), let them be pleasant unto this bride; let them not injure the bridal-car as it is driven.

The last four padas form a verse also in the Āpast. text (Wint., p. 70 ⌊MP. i. 7. 8⌋), where for our d is read eṣú vṛkṣéṣu vānaspatyéṣv ā́sate, further çivā́s (for syonā́s) and vadhvāì in e, and ūhyámānām in f. In TS. iii. 2. 84 is found the phrase yám āçírā dámpatī vāmám açnutáḥ, and āçīrdāyā́ dámpatī vāmám açnutām. The verse is to be used, according to Kāuç. 77. 9, when the bridal train passes great trees. The Anukr. ⌊appears to scan as 9 + 12: 11 + 12: 11 + 11 = 66; but pāda a is essentially defective⌋. All our mss. ⌊and SPP's authorities⌋ read in e te, which our edition emends to té; ⌊but SPP. reads te, construing a-d together, and e-f separately: 'unto thee, the bride here'; which seems hard⌋. Ppp. combines in c gandharvā ’ps-.

10. What yákṣmas go to the bride's brilliant (candrá) car among the people, let the worshipful gods conduct those back whence they came.

The verse is RV. x. 85. 31; RV. reads in b jánād ánu. The Āpast. text (Wint., p. 67 ⌊MP. i. 6. 9⌋) has the same verse. ⌊The Anukr. calls the vs. yakṣmanāçanī.⌋

11. Let not the waylayers who pursue (ā-sad) [them] find the two spouses; let them go over what is difficult by an easy [road]; let the niggards run away.

Is RV. x. 85. 32, whose only variant is sugébhis in c. We had a as xii. 1. 32 d, and d as vi. 129. 1-3 d. MB. (i. 3. 12) and Āpast. (Wint., p. 67 ⌊MP. i. 6. 10⌋) have the RV. reading. The verse is used (Kāuç. 77. 3), with 1. 34, when the bridal train starts. ⌊The Anukr. calls the vs. dampatyoḥ paripatithināçanī⌋.

12. I cause the bridal-car to be viewed by the houses with worship (bráhman), with a friendly, not terrible eye; what of all forms is fastened on about, let Savitar make that pleasant for the husbands.

Ppp. reads at the end kṛṇotu tat. According to Kāuç. 77. 14, the verse is uttered when the train comes in sight of the house. Āpast. vi. 6 (Wint., p. 70 ⌊MP. i. 7. 10⌋) has the same verse, with the variants māítreṇa in b, asyā́m for ásti in c, and (like Ppp.) kṛṇotu tát at the end. The comm. to Āpast. understands c of the ornaments worn by the bride, as indicated by the reading asyā́m. The verse (13 + 11: 11 + 12 = 47) is but a poor jagatī.

13. Propitious hath this woman come to the home; Dhātar appointed this world (sphere) to her; her let Aryaman, Bhaga, both Açvins, Prajāpati, increase with progeny.

The Anukr. takes no notice of the irregularities of the meter (9 + 11: 10 + 11 = 41). ⌊It defines the verse twice, first as triṣṭubh, then as purobṛhatī (cf. vi. 126. 3). Pādas b and d are good triṣṭubh pādas; and a and c will pass if we resolve naārī iyam and taām.⌋