Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/304

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xiv. 2-

This verse corresponds to RV. x. 85. 22 a, b and 21 c, d; but RV. reads at the beginning úd īrṣvā́ ’to viç-; and in c anyā́m for jāmím, and vyàktām for nyàktām, which seems a mere ignorant substitution for it. Our mss. are divided between nyàktam and -tām; I.E.p.m.O.s.m.R.T.D.K. give -tām, which ending is doubtless to be accepted as the true reading. Ppp. reads with RV. at the beginning, but goes on independently: ud īrṣvā ’taṣ patī hy eṣāṁ viçvāvasuṁ namasā gīrbhir īḍe. The Āpast. text (Wint., p. 89 ⌊MP. i. 10. 1-2⌋) reads vittām for vyaktām. Compare Hillebrandt also in ZDMG. xl. 711; he renders vyàktām simply by 'bride,' one does not see why. ⌊Cf. also Ved. Mythol. i. 435.⌋ ⌊For the metrical definitions of the Anukr., see above.⌋

34. The Apsarases revel a joint reveling, between the oblation-holder and the sun; they are thy birthplace; go away to them; homage I pay thee with the Gandharva-season.

The first half-verse is identical with vii. 109. 3 a, b. The verse, a fairly good triṣṭubh, appears, with vss. 36 and 38, to be passed over by the ⌊London⌋ Anukr. ⌊The Berlin ms. gives the three pratīkas, followed, without iti, by agastatakṣe (!).⌋ Ppp. begins the verse with yā ’psarasas s- (for yā́ aps-), and in b puts antara (for -rā) before havirdhānam .

35. Homage to the Gandharva's mind (?), and homage to his terrible (bhā́ma) eye we pay; O Viçvāvasu, homage [be] to thee with worship (bráhman); go away unto thy wives, the Apsarases.

The translation implies the naturally suggested emendation in a of námase to mánase, which Ppp. supports, reading manaso. Ppp. has further bhāsāya for bhāmāya in b; and, for c, viçvāvaso namo brahmaṇā te kṛṇomi, and, in d, combines jāyā ’ps-. The addition of ‘stu at the end of our c would rectify the meter of the pāda and make the definition of the Anukr. exact.

36. With wealth may we be well-willing; we have made the Gandharva go (vṛt) up from here; that god hath gone to the highest station (sadhástha); we have gone where they lengthen out [their] life-time.

The prefix ā́ in b seems out of place. The last pāda appears twice in RV. (i. 113. 16 d; viii. 48. 11 d). The definition of the verse (as noted under vs. 34) appears to be omitted in the Anukr. For the application made in Kāuç. of this and the preceding verses, see under vs. 32; it does not seem at all suitable. Ppp. has in d for yatra the variant vayam ⌊implying, perhaps, that the Kashmir Vāidikas understood pratiránta (p. pra॰tiránte) as pratirántas. ⌊With regard to an Anukr. statement that seems to concern this verse, see above, p. 739, ¶'s 4, 5, 7.⌋ ⌊Cf. xviii. 2. 29 n.⌋

37. Unite (sam-sṛj), O ye (two) parents (pitṛ́), the (two) things that are seasonable; ye shall be mother and father of seed; as a male (márya) a female (yóṣā), do thou mount her; make ye (two) progeny; here enjoy (puṣ) wealth.

⌊For "mount her," W. suggests in pencil "make her mount"; but I suspect that the full expression would be ádhi rohaya çépa enām. In a, ṛ́tviye is regarded by the pada-text as dual, and is translated accordingly; it probably means the respective contributions of the two to the embryo. Ppp. reads instead (-rā) vṛddhaye, a welcome emendation. Further, in b, it puts pitā, before mātā and has ja for ca and ends b