Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/332

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xv. 13-

That is, my attentions are meant for the deity whom a Vrātya represents, and not for this particular individual. ⌊See above, p. 770, top.⌋ The repetition imā́m imā́m is very strange, and seems unmotived. The pada-text sets its avasāna-'mark, as if denoting a pada-division, both times between imā́m and devátām, in palpable violation of the sense.

9. ⌊14.⌋ that deity doth that become [duly] offered of him who knoweth thus.

14. Paryāya the fourteenth.

[catvāri vinçatiç ca ⌊sc. vacanāni⌋. 1 a. 3-p. anuṣṭubh; b of 1-12. 2-p. āsurī gāyatrī (b of 6-9. bhurik prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh); 2 a, 5 a. purāuṣṇih; 3 a. anuṣṭubh; 4 a. prastārapan̄kti; 6 a. svarāḍ gāyatrī; 7 a, 8 a. ārcī pan̄kti; 10 a. bhurin̄ nāgī gāyatrī; 11 a. prājāpatyā triṣṭubh.]

⌊Respecting the subdivisions of the paryāya, see page 772, top.⌋

Translated: Aufrecht, Ind. Siud. i. 136; Griffith, ii. 195.

1. ⌊1.⌋ As he moved out toward the eastern quarter, the troop (çárdhas) of Maruts, coming into being (bhūtvā́), moved out after, making mind [their] food-eater; ⌊2.⌋ with mind as food-eater doth he eat food who knoweth thus.

Aufrecht understands the meaning to be as just given, and takes it correspondingly in the verses below. But it would be admissible also to render thus: 'when he moved out toward the eastern quarter, he moved out toward [it] after becoming the troop of Maruts'—and correspondingly in all the other verses. It is possible, by due resolution, to read the first subdivision as 32 syllables and the second as 15—and so in general in the other verses; no remark will be made upon them unless the cases are especially difficult.

2. ⌊3.⌋ As he moved out toward the southern quarter, Indra, coming into being, moved out after, making strength [his] food-eater; ⌊4.⌋ with strength as food-eater doth he eat food who knoweth thus.

3. ⌊5.⌋ As he moved out toward the western quarter, king Varuṇa, coming into being, moved out after, making the waters [his] food-eaters; ⌊6.⌋ with the waters as food-eaters doth he eat food who knoweth thus.

Most of the mss. accent apó ‘nnādī́ḥ (but Bs. has ). One or two (I.K.) combine -dī́ṣ kṛtvā́.

4. ⌊7.⌋ As he moved out toward the northern quarter, king Soma, coming into being, moved out after, making the offering (ā́huti) in what is offered by the seven seers [his] food-eater; ⌊8.⌋ with the offering as food-eater doth he eat food who knoweth thus.

5. ⌊9.⌋ he moved out toward the fixed quarter, Vishṇu, coming into being, moved out after, making virā́j [his] food-eater; ⌊10.⌋ with virā́j as food-eater doth he eat food who knoweth thus.

6. ⌊11.⌋ As he moved out toward the cattle, Rudra, coming into being, moved out after, making the herbs [his] food-eaters; ⌊12.⌋ with the herbs as food-eaters doth he eat food who knoweth thus.