Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/339

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-xvi. 2

These two verses form a part of vss. 15-21 in the water-thunderbolt (udavajra) hymn, above, x. 5 ⌊see my note⌋; and fragments of the same hymn are found further on in this paryāya and in 7. 6, 13, indicating some connection of application with that hymn, though Kāuç. suggests such connection only for xvi. 2. 1.

6. Thou art tip (ágra) of the waters; I let you go down unto the ocean.

With the second part compare the opening words of x. 5. 23.

7. The fire that is in the waters, it do I let go, the dimming, digging, body-spoiling one.

With this verse compare PGS. ii. 6. 10, used in the ceremonies commemorating the end of Vedic study. ⌊The definition of the Anukr. seems to be wide of the mark.⌋

8. The fire that entered into you, O waters, this is that; what of you is terrible, this is that.

9. May [it] pour upon you with Indra's Indra-power (indriyá).

10. Free from defilement (-riprá) [are] the waters; let them [carry] away from us defilement;—

11. Let them carry forth from us sin; let them carry forth evil-dreaming.

With the last two verses compare parts of x. 5. 24.

12. With propitious eye look at me, O waters; with propitious body touch my skin.

We had this verse above as i. 33. 4 a, b.

13. We call the propitious fires that sit in the waters. Put in me dominion [and] splendor, O divine [waters].

2. Paryāya the second.

[ṣaṭka. vāgdevatya. 1. āsury anuṣṭubh; 3. āsury uṣṇih; 3. sāmny uṣṇih; 4. 3-p. sāmny bṛhatī; 5. ārcy anuṣṭubh; 6. nicṛd virāḍgāyatrī.]

Translated: Griffith, ii. 202.

1. Out of evil-eating (?) with refreshment [comes] speech rich in honey.

The translation implies the change of durarmaṇyàts to duradmanyàs, as proposed by the Pet. Lexx. (add TB. iii. 3. 99 as a reference for duradmanī́). The reading of the mss. is, however, assured by its quotation in the Prāt. (4. 11. 16 ⌊i.e. Add'l Note, p. 592⌋), and three times in the Kāuç.: namely, in 49. 27, at the very end of the chapter of witchcraft ceremonies, after use of x. 5. 6, 7 and xiii. 1. 56, with the direction iti saṁdhāvyā ’bhimṛçati; and again, twice (58. 6, 12) in the ceremony for long life after initiation to Vedic study, once with the direction iti saṁdhāvya, and once with a smearing with fragrant powders. The word ūrjā́ in our text might also be nominative, and 'comes' is of course doubtful. The metrical definition implies the resolution -ṇí-a.