Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/345

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-xvi. 8

10. What when awake, what when asleep, what by day, what by night;—

11. What day by day I go at, from that do I cut him off (ava-day).

12. Him do thou smite, with him amuse thyself (? mand), his ribs do thou crush in.

13. Let him not live; him let breath quit.

This verse also forms a part of x. 5. 25 etc.

8. Paryāya the eighth.

[ekādaça vāi triguṇāni. a of 1-27. 1-p. yajur brāhmy anuṣṭubh; b of 7-27. 3-p. nicṛd gāyatrī; 1 c. prajāpatyā gāyatrī; d of 1-27. 3-p. prājāpatyā triṣṭubh; c of 2-4, 9, l7, 19, 24. āsurī jagatī; c of 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 18. āsurī triṣṭubh; c of 6, 12, 14-16, 20-23, 27. āsurī pan̄kti; c of 25, 26. āsurī bṛhatī.]

⌊The discrepancy in the numeration of the subdivisions of the paryāya, as between the Bombay edition (which follows the Old Anukr.) and the Berlin edition, is of the same kind as in paryāya 5, above, and the explanation given above (p. 794, top) may be consulted. The numbers of the avasānas as given by SPP. are added by me in ell-brackets.⌋

Translated: Griffith, ii. 206.

1. ⌊1.⌋ Ours [is] what is conquered, ours what has shot up, ours right (ṛtá), ours brilliancy, ours bráhman, ours heaven (svàr), ours the sacrifice, ours cattle, ours progeny, ours heroes. ⌊2.⌋ From that we disportion him yonder: so-and-so, of such-and-such lineage, son of such-and-such mother, who is yonder; ⌊3.⌋ let him not be released from the fetter of seizure. ⌊4.⌋ Of him now (idám) I involve the splendor, brilliancy, breath, lifetime; now I make him fall downward.

Here is again a partial correspondence with x. 5. 36. Compare also Āpast. iv. 15. 3. The addition yajus to the name brāhmy anuṣṭubh (48 syllables) in the Anukr. seems, ⌊in the light of the corresponding expression at xvii. 1. 22, 23, intended to inform us that subdivision a is a yajus; but it is not apparent why the author should give this bit of information, which is (of its kind) so isolated: cf. third note to xv. 5. 7⌋.

2. ⌊5.⌋ Ours is etc. etc.; let him not be released from the fetter of perdition. Of him now etc. etc.

3. ⌊6.⌋ Ours is etc. etc.; let him not be released from the fetter of ill-success. Of him now etc. etc.

4. ⌊7.⌋ Ours is etc. etc.; let him not be released from the fetter of extermination. Of him now etc. etc.

5. ⌊8.⌋ Ours is etc. etc.; let him not be released from the fetter of calamity. Of him now etc. etc.

6. ⌊9.⌋ Ours is etc. etc.; let him not be released from the fetter of the wives of the gods. Of him now etc. etc.