Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/350

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xvii. 1-

Part III., verses 20-23.—This consists of 4 bits of prose. The verses contain: praise and prayer to the Sun (20-21: 'brilliant art thou; may I be brilliant'); and homage to the Sun, rising, setting, etc. (22-23: namas).⌋

Part IV., verses 24-26.—These are 3 perfectly regular anuṣṭubh verses, to the first of which is added the anuṣan̄ga that is characteristic of Part II. The 3 verses are closely related and are addressed to the Sun as Āditya or Sūrya, the first and last being appropriate for use at sunrise, and the second for use at sundown.—It may be noted that of the Pali paritta verses (Jātaka, ii. p. 33-35) cited in the introduction to iii. 26, one set is used at sunrise and the other at sundown.⌋

Part V., verses 27-30.—These (if we disregard the palpably intrusive bráhmaṇā of 27 a) are 4 perfectly regular stanzas, of which all the pādas are triṣṭubh except 30 a and 30 c, which are jagatī in count and cadence. We might call them paritta-vents, charms for defense and protection; they show various derivatives of the roots vṛ and gup, and references to Kaçyapa (see note to iv. 20. 7).⌋

1. Prayer and praise to Indra and the Sun.

[Brahman.—ṛcas triṅçat.1 ādityadevatyās. 1. jagatī; 1-8. try-avasāna;4 1-4 ⌊intending 2-5?⌋. atijagatī;2 6, 7, 19. atyaṣṭi;3 8, 11, 16. atidhṛti; 9. 5-p. çakvarī; 10-23, 16, 18-19, 24. try-avasāna;4 10. 8-p. dhṛti; 12. kṛti; 13. prakṛti; 14-15. 5-p. çakvarī; 17. 5-p. virāḍ atiçakvarī; 18. bhurig aṣṭi; 24. virāḍ atyaṣṭi; 1-8 ⌊intending 1-5?⌋. 6-p.; ⌊6-8,⌋ 11-13, 16, 18-19, 24. 7-p.5 20. kakubh; 21. 4-p. upariṣṭādbṛhatī; 22. anuṣṭubh; 23. nicṛd bṛhatī (22-23. yajuṣī dve;6 2-p); 25, 26. anuṣṭubh; 27, 30. jagatī; 28, 29. triṣṭubh.]

The Anukr. has some bad readings and confusions in its account of the book, but they do not concern things of much consequence. ⌊So Whitney, in a note to vs. 5, which note I have transposed hither. He had altered (as often, for brevity) the order of his excerpts from the Anukr.: but I have restored them in this case to the order of the original. Moreover, there are several trifling items which he has omitted or misapprehended: and these I have added or tried to set right without marking them with the usual ell-brackets.⌋

Notes to the Anukramaṇī-excerpts. 1⌊The text begins, viṣāsahir ṛcas triṅçat, which is taken from the Old Anukr.: see p. 812.⌋ 2⌊As to the structure and count of vss. 1-5, see page 805, ¶ 4⌋ 3⌊Text reads simply udihīti dve asati sad atyaṣṭayaḥ: read ity aṣṭayaḥ? or, perhaps, ity atyaṣṭayaḥ? but see note to verse 7.⌋ 4⌊The statements concerning the try-avasāna verses are given in two instalments and are entirely correct, although the Berlin edition makes them seem partially incorrect: vss. 1-5 are 3-av. in both ed's; 6-8 and 10-13, 16, 18-19, 24 are 3-av. in the mss. and the Bombay ed. and are 4-av. in the Berlin ed.: see page 805, ¶ 5, above.⌋ 5⌊The text says aṣṭāu [should be pañca] ṣaṭpadāḥ, çeṣāḥ saptapadāḥ: 'the rest' (çeṣāḥ) are those that remain after taking out from the verses thus far discussed those verses (1-8[5], 9-10, 14-15, 17) the number of whose pādas has been already stated: and the Anukr. therefore means (after emending aṣṭāu to pañca), 'verses 1-5 are of 6 pādas, while the rest,—namely verses [6-8,] 11-13, 16, 18-19, 24,—are of 7 pādas'; and this is quite correct⌋ 6⌊See note to vs. 22 and cf. note to xvi. 8. 1.⌋

⌊Partly prose—verses 20-23: see ¶ 1, on this page.⌋

The hymn, or anuvāka, or book, occurs (except vss. 13, 14, 24) also in Pāipp. xviii., following immediately upon what represents our xvi.