Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/352

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xvii. 1-
suspicion of metrical disorder in the prior part of each of those pādas. One is tempted to think of pṛṇīhi as an ill-considered modernization of pūrdhi; and to wish that (before dhehi) might be excised, as superfluous in meter and in sense and as making a harsh change from plural (nas) to singular.—The change from singular to plural as between the main stock and the refrain, considering the looseness of their connection, is not to be called harsh.⌋

7. Arise, arise, O sun; arise upon me with splendor; both those whom I see and those whom I do not—among them make thou favor for me. Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

We should expect me for in d; and the comm., on account of , takes sumatím as an adjective (= çobhanabuddhiyuktam)—which is not grammatically impossible, but against all Vedic usage. Verses 6 and 7, ⌊if the main stock of each verse be read rhythmically,⌋ are undoubtedly to be counted as 66 syllables, two less than a true atyaṣṭi (68), ⌊but also, on the other hand, two more than a true aṣṭi (64); but the a and the b of each can be read as 7 so as to make totals of just 64: see above, page 806, ¶ 6, note 3⌋ ⌊Concerning the_refrain, see notes to vs. 6.⌋

8. Let them not damage thee in the sea, within the waters—they who approach there having fetters; quitting imprecation, thou hast ascended that sky; be thou then gracious to us; may we be in thy favor.—Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in b pāçinam, and in c ā ruha etān. The verse counts most naturally 78 syllables (11 × 4: 34); a proper atidhṛti has 76. Bp. reads in d ā́; rukṣaḥ; D.Kp. and all SPP's authorities have ā́; ar-, which is doubtless the true pada-text.

9. Do thou, O Indra, in order to great good-fortune, protect us about with unharmed rays.—Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

The comm. takes aktúbhis in its sense of 'night.' Ppp. reads adabdhāiṣ pari in b.

10. Do thou, O Indra, with propitious aids, be most wealful to us—ascending to the triple heaven of the heaven (dív), besung unto soma-drinking, having a dear abode (-dhā́man) unto well-being.—Thine, O Vishnu etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in a indro adbhiç (ç-). The comm. gives us our choice between -sthāna and -tejas as meanings of -dhāman in e. The verse has two syllables too many for a regular dhṛti (72); ⌊it reads properly as 5 × 8 and 34; but pāda a may be read as 6⌋.

11. Thou, O Indra, art all-conquering, all-gaining (sarva-víd); much invoked [art] thou, O Indra; do thou, O Indra, send onward this well-invoking praise; be thou gracious to us; may we be in thy favor.—Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in a viçvavit; and instead of our d (= 8 d) it has çivābhis tanubhir abhi nas sajasva. The verse is a true atidhṛti by number of syllables, but very irregular in structure (8 + 10: 13 + 11: 34 = 76).

12. Unharmed in the heaven (dív), also on earth, art thou; they have not attained thy greatness in the atmosphere; increasing with unharmed