Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/354

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xvii. 1-
But Ppp. reads instead saptabhiṣ p- 'with seven.' ⌊With reference to the rays, Griffith (note to xi. 1. 36) cites Mahīdhara as quoted by Eggeling on ÇB. i. 9. 316.⌋ The comm. has the bad reading nādhamānas for bādh-. We have to resolve a saṁdhi in a in order to make 58 syllables in the verse.

18. Thou art Indra, thou great Indra, thou the world, thou Prajāpati; for thee the sacrifice is extended; to thee the offerers make oblation.—Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

Ppp. reads viṣṇus for lokas in b, and, in c yajāyate for vi tāyate. Our Bp.P.M.W. T.R.p.m. also have jāyate for tāyate. To make the verse only bhurig aṣṭi (65 syll.), we have to read the first pāda as seven syllables, though it easily makes eight. In Vāit. 3. 3 the verse, with vi. 5. 2, is made to accompany a sāṁnāyya offering to Indra, in the darçapūrṇamāsa ceremony. In our edition, the of tváṁ before lokás is lost in printing.

19. In the non-existent is the existent made firm; in the existent is being (bhūtá) made firm; being is set in what is to be; what is to be is made firm in being. Thine, O Vishṇu etc. etc.

Ppp. combines bhavyā ”hitam ⌊double sandhi after -e as at ix. 1. 14⌋ in c, and has samāhitam for pratiṣṭhitam in d. The verse, like 6 and 7, lacks two syllables of a full atyaṣṭi; ⌊but see note to vs. 7 and p. 806, ¶ 6, note 3, above⌋.

20. Brilliant (çukrá) art thou; shiny art thou; as thou art shiny by the shining one (bhrā́jant), so may I by the shining one shine.

The Ppp. text of this verse is in confusion. Our P.M.I.T. combine (second time) bhrājò ‘si, as if we had here, as the first time, asi (instead of ási). The first pāda is the same with the beginning of ii. 11. 5. MS. iv. 9. 5 has passages resembling this verse and the next. This prose bit is a queer kakubh: ⌊the kakubh calls for 8 + 12 + 8 = 28; and this may be read as 8 + 11 + 9⌋.

21. Brightness art thou, bright art thou; as thou by brightness art bright, so may I by both cattle and Brahman-splendor be bright (ruc).

Our P.M.T. have again (second time) rocò ‘si; ⌊and one of SPP's pada-mss. has correspondingly asi without accent⌋. The MS. version is in some respects better: rucír asi rucò (or rocyò) ‘si sá yáthā tváṁ rucyā́ rócasa evám aháṁ rucyā́ rociṣīya. Ppp. also gives rociṣīya. ⌊For ruciṣīya or roc-, see Gram. § 907.⌋ The metrical definition of the Anukr. is absurd, the "verse" being prose, and having only three possible divisions; it can be made 36 syllables by reading roco asi either in a or in b. It is used in Vāit. 14. 2, in the agniṣṭoma ceremony.

22. To the rising one be obeisance; to the one coming up be obeisance; to the arisen one be obeisance; to the wide ruler (virā́j) be obeisance; to the self-ruler (svarā́j) be obeisance; to the universal ruler (samrā́j) be obeisance.

We should expect, by the analogy of the next verse, udeṣyaté for udāyaté. The comm. explains the latter by ūrdhvam īṣad gacchate. In Vāit. 11. 16, the verse accompanies worship of the rising sun in the agniṣṭoma ceremony. It is so far an anuṣṭubh that it contains 32 syllables. ⌊The Anukr. informs us that this verse is a yajus; and so of the next. A similarly isolated bit of information we had concerning xvi. 8. 1 a.⌋