Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/387

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-xviii. 2

Rather than leave pīlu- in b untranslated, we set in our version the comm's worthless etymological guess (pālayantī ’ti pīlavaḥ: grahanakṣatrādayaḥ). SPP. has at the beginning the better accent udanvátī, as read by half his autliorities (and by our O.Op.R. among those collated after publication). Our Bp.D. accent also pīlumatī́; O. reads pītúmatī, doubtless an accidental blunder, yet suggesting the emendation pitumátī 'rich in nourishment.' For the use of the verse prescribed by Kāuç., see under 1. 61; the comm. says simply that with this verse and another one (iti dvābhyām) the body is raised in order to being laid on the cart or litter (for transportation to the funeral pile); a schol. (note to Kāuç. 82. 31) uses it also in connection with the interment of the bone-relics.

49. They that are our father's fathers, that are [his] grandfathers, that entered the wide atmosphere, they that dwell upon earth and heaven (dív)—to those Fathers would we pay worship with homage.

The first half-verse is found again below as 3. 59 a, b. The verse is used (Kāuç. 81. 37) ⌊as the last one of eleven verses (see my note to xviii. 1. 49) which accompany the oblations offered to Yama and poured upon the corpse (comm., vol. iv., p. 11517: he says iti dvābhyām) in the cremation ceremony after the fire is lighted⌋.

50. This time, verily, not further (áparam), seest thou the sun in the heaven (dív); as a mother her son with her hem (síc), do thou cover him, O earth.

The last half-verse is RV. x. 18. 11 c, d, without variant (TA., in vi. 7. 1, has at the end bhūmi vṛṇu), and is also found below as 3. 50 c, d. Kāuç. (86. 10) applies the verse, with 3.49 and 4. 66, in raising a pile over the interred bones; according to the comm. ⌊vol. iv., p. 115⌋, the pile is of an uneven number of sticks (çalākā) or bricks, and vss. 50-52 are to be used. ⌊Over "hem" W. interlines "skirt." "Border of the garment" says our comm., celāñcalena.⌋ ⌊As to this beautiful verse, see Weber, Sb. 1895, p. 861, and cf. the epilogue to the Içā Upanishad, especially vss. 15, 16.⌋

51. This time, verily; not further; in old age another further than this; as a wife her husband with her garment, do thou cover him, O earth (bhū́mi).

The first half-verse is very obscure, and the second pāda perhaps corrupt. The comm. takes jarási with the first pāda, and explains that "what food etc. has been enjoyed in old age, this verily, left over, not anything else [further], is to be enjoyed"; and then "than this place of interment, any other place is not found for him"; all of which is simply silly. The Anukr. pays no attention to the redundant syllable (unless we pronounce patim ‘va) in c.

52. I cover thee excellently with the garment of mother earth; what is excellent among the living, that with me; svadhā́ among the Fathers, that with thee.

The comm. does not scruple to take bhadráyā as used for bhadrāyās, and qualifying pṛthivyā́s. ⌊He treats tán máyi etc. as at xi. 7. 5, 12, 14: cf. note to xi. 7. 12. Weber thinks this vs. is spoken by the heir of the dead man.⌋