Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/427

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doubtless not at all the true sense; he also reads vahantu in d. The verse is one of the hariṇīs ⌊Kāuç. 80. 35; 82. 31 note⌋: see under 1. 61. It lacks (in a) a syllable of being a full triṣṭubh. Its second pāda is identical with 1. 54 b.

45. On Sarasvatī do the pious call; on Sarasvatī, while the sacrifice is being extended; on Sarasvatī do the well-doers call; may Sarasvatī give what is desirable to the worshiper.

46. On Sarasvatī do the Fathers call, arriving at the sacrifice on the south; sitting on this barhís, do ye revel; assign thou to us food free from disease.

47. O Sarasvatī, that wentest in company with the songs, with the svadhā́s, O goddess, reveling with the Fathers, assign thou to the sacrificer here a portion of refreshment of thousand-fold value, abundance of wealth.

These three verses are a repetition of i. 41-43 ⌊see notes thereon⌋, quoted by íti tisráḥ in most mss., but written out by our O.R. (both accenting dakṣiṇā́ in 46 b).

48. Thee, being earth, I make enter into earth; may god Dhātar lengthen out our life-time; let him that goeth very far away be a finder of good for you; then may the dead (pl.) come to be (sam-bhū) among the Fathers.

The first pāda is identical with that of xii. 3. 22, and hence the comm. here makes the blunder of reporting this verse as quoted by Kāuç. 61. 30,* whereas it is evidently the other; and he explains the meaning to be that earth is smeared upon the vessel ⌊porridge-pot⌋, which is entirely out of place in this connection, the analogy being with our own phrase "earth to earth." The problematic párāparāitā ⌊p. párā॰parāitā⌋ in c is rendered strictly according to its form, as if composed of párā-parā+etṛ; the Pet. Lexx. render it as "one who departs after another or in due order"; but I cannot see how this meaning is arrived at. The comm. reads parāparetās (our O. gives -retas), and explains it as dūradeçam parān̄mukham ito gatāḥ. The comm. also, against pada-text and accent, understands adhā ’mṛtās in d. *⌊Cf. p. 869, ¶7.⌋

49. Start ye (du.) forward hither, wipe off that which the portents (? abhibhā́) have said there of you; from that come ye, inviolable ones, to this which is better, being bestowers here on me, a giver to the Fathers.

This is highly obscure, and the second half-verse, especially, is rendered only mechanically, and even then with substitution of vásīyas where nearly all the mss. have váçīyas or vaçīyas (our M.I.D., and one of SPP's, vaçāyas, which our text, quite unsuccessfully, emends to vaçā́ya); SPP. admits váçīyas in his text; the comm. has vásīyas. According to Kāuç. (82. 40), the verse is addressed to the two kine (the comm. says, the two that have drawn the hearse): the direction is iti gāvāv upayachati; it is perhaps intended as a purification of them after the ill-omened service which they have performed. In c the vocative, aghnyāu, is an emendation, SPP. reading with the mss. aghnyāú; but the accentuation of the mss. is here very unauthoritative; the comm. also takes the word as vocative. Nearly all our mss. (all save O.Op.R.) leave ūcus in b without accent. The comm. is not ashamed to derive abhibhās formally from abhi-bhū, and to explain it by abhibhāvakās or dūṣakās; his general explication of the pāda, as intimating a reproach brought against the pair for having been engaged in such business,