Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/471

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-xix. 20

5. Soma ascended with the herbs: to that stronghold etc. etc.

6. The sacrifice ascended with the sacrificial gifts: to that stronghold etc. etc.

7. The ocean ascended with the streams: to that stronghold etc. etc.

8. The bráhman ascended with the Vedic students: to that stronghold etc. etc.

The comm. says that bráhman here means the Veda with the an̄gas.

9. Indra ascended with heroism: to that stronghold etc. etc.

10. The gods ascended with the immortal (amṛ́ta): to that stronghold etc. etc.

11. Prajāpati ascended with progeny: to that stronghold etc. etc.

The comm. explains ud akrāmat by yām puraṁ rakṣitum utkrāntavān, as antecedent of tām puram etc. The metrical definitions of the Anukr. are not worth comparing in detail.

20. For protection by various gods.

[Atharvan.—bahudevatyam. trāiṣṭubham: 2. jagatī; 3. purastādbṛhatī; 4. anuṣṭubh.]

⌊Not found in Pāipp.⌋ The comm. says, purely on his own authority, that with this hymn the purohita arms with a breastplate a king going to battle. ⌊For the reference to vs. 4 in Kāuç. 25. 36 note, see above, introd. to viii. 5.⌋

Translated: Griffith, ii. 279. ⌊In Anukr. we miss caturṛcam.⌋

1. Have set down apart the human deadly weapon Indra-and-Agni, Dhātar, Savitar, Bṛihaspati, king Soma, Varuṇa, the Açvins, Yama; let Pūshan protect us round about from death.

It is quite as likely that 'Soma' etc. in the second half-verse should be viewed as coördinate with Pūshan. The translation omits yám in a; it seems probable that a is deeply corrupt ⌊Caland, KZ. xxxiv. 456, citing Avestan usage, takes pāúruṣeyaṁ vadháṁ yám as accusative of the crystallized combination pāúruṣeyo vadhó yáḥ which we had at i. 30. 1: see note to xii. 2. 19. But W's suspicion is weighty.⌋ All the mss. accent nyádhus (the pada-mss. having, against all rule and practice, nyádhuḥ, instead of ni॰ádhuḥ or ní: adhuḥ), and SPP. follows them (in p. also); our nyàdhus is an emendation, apparently a necessary one—unless we can construe, with the comm., b-d as together constituting the apodosis: 'what means of death for men [our enemies] have fixed in secret—from [that] death let Indra-and-Agni etc. etc. protect us.' ⌊Griffith: 'May Soma etc. guard us from Mṛityu—death caused by men, which Indra etc. appointed.'⌋ The verse is far too irregular (11 + 12: 12 + 9 = 44) to be called simply a triṣṭubh.

2. What [defenses] he who is lord of creation, Prajāpati, Mātariçvan, made for his creatures (prajā́), what ones the directions and the quarters put on (vas)—let those defenses (várman) be abundant (bahulá) for me.

The mss. accent vasaté ⌊except several that have vasate⌋; our emendation to vasáte is unquestionably called for, even though there are a few cases in RV. of such accent as vasatéGram. § 613⌋. The comm. etymologizes mātariçvan as antarikṣe çvasitī