Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/477

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-xix. 23

19. To them of three verses, hail!

Between this verse and the next, the commentator's text inserts dvyṛcebhyaḥ svāhā.

20. To them of one verse, hail!

21. To the petty ones, hail! ⌊See page clviii top.⌋

This is a repetition of 22. 6 above, and after it the commentator's text adds 22. 7.

22. To them of a half-verse, hail!

All the mss., and the comm., have here ekānṛcébhyas (p. eka॰anṛc-), and SPP. follows them. Our ekadvyṛcébhyas (misprinted ekadvṛc-) was meant as an emendation, but is hardly successful. What ekānṛc- should mean does not appear; the translation simply follows the comm., for lack of anything better.

23. To the ruddy ones (rohita), hail!

The mss. ⌊except W's O.D., which have róh-⌋, and hence also SPP., accent here rohitébhyas. The comm. remarks that in this and the following verses the books intended are clear. This, of course, means book xiii. ⌊which is designated by rohitāis at Kāuç. 99. 4⌋.

24. To the two Sūryās, hail!

That is, to the two parts (anuvākas) of the book beginning with the Sūryā-hymn (xiv.).

25. To the two Vrātyas, hail!

Again the two anuvākas of the Vrātya-book (xv.). ⌊Both ed's read vrātyā́bhyām, with all the authorities, save W's D.L., which have vrā́tyā-. The minor Pet. Lex., vi. 189, notes vrātyá as an adj. to vrā́tya: hence, rather, 'To the two [anuvākas ] about the vrā́tya, hail!' See my note, p. 770, ¶3.⌋

26. To the two of Prajāpati, hail!

The two anuvākas of book xvi. are evidently intended, though why they are called prajāpatya is difficult to say. ⌊The Major Anukr. calls the whole book prājāpatya, as noted p. 792, ¶4.⌋ The Old Anukr. quoted in the endings says at the end of xvi. 4 prājāpatyo ha catuṣkaḥ, ⌊····⌋ saptakaḥ paraḥ: i.e. 'the [first] Prajāpati-anuvāka has four hymns ⌊or paryāyas⌋; the [paryāya] next after [2 and 3: i.e. paryāya 4] is one of seven verses.' ⌊For the probable relative position and the significance of these extracts, see p. 792 (¶5)-793.⌋

27. To the viṣāsahí, hail!

The seventeenth book begins with the word viṣāsahím; and this time the comm. takes the trouble to specify that "the seventeenth kāṇḍa" is intended. ⌊Cf. p. 805, ¶1.⌋

28. To them of good omen (man̄galiká), hail!

This, from its position, ought to signify book xviii.; the comm. says nothing about it; his text reads mān̄g-. ⌊That the funeral book is held to be most inauspicious appears from SPP's preface to his ed., vol. i., p. 4, p. 5, and especially p. 2. To call the book auspicious is a euphemism such as is familiar in the case of the dreadful god Çiva.⌋ One of our mss. (I.) inserts after this verse five others which do not appear to occur elsewhere, as SPP. does not mention them: nákṣatrakalpāya svā́hā. 29. vāítānakalpāya svā́hā. 30. çāntikalpāya svā́hā. 31. an̄girasakalpāya svā́hā. 32. sā́ṁhitāvidhaye