Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/486

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xix. 28-
*⌊This reading is given by eight of SPP's mss. and one of W's. In sapátnānām we may have a case of faulty assimilation from 4 a: SPP's Dc., which is usually carefully corrected, here carries the blunder half way prima manu, giving sapátnānā́m (accents! so perhaps also W's O.D.L.), and completes it secunda manu, giving sapátnānām.⌋

4. Split, O darbhá, the heart of our rivals, of our haters, O amulet; make their head fly apart, as the rising [sun] does the skin of the earth.

The comm. reads and explains ni pātaya in d (though the ms. gives vi p-). The obscure and perhaps corrupt third pāda is thus explained: udyann ūrdhvaṁ gacchan bhujādipradeçam adhitiṣṭhan tvam bhūmyās tvacam [iva] tṛṇagulmāuṣadhyādyadhiṣṭhānabhūtāṁ yathā takṣaṇena nipātayati gṛhādinirmāṇārthaṁ loke.

5. Split, O darbhá, my rivals; split those that fight against me; split all my enemies (durhā́rd); split my haters, O amulet.

In the following fourteen verses, of this hymn and the one that follows it, only the verb in each pāda is changed. In c, Ppp. blunderingly reads chindhi, anticipating the next verse.

6. Sever, O darbhá, my rivals; sever those etc. etc.

7. Hew down (vraçc), O darbhá, my rivals; hew down those etc. etc.

8. Cut, O darbhá, my rivals; cut those etc. etc.

In verses 6, 8, 9, 10 of this hymn, also in 29. 2 below, a part of the mss. read durhā́rdān instead of -das in c; and SPP. strangely follows them in 28. 6, 8.

9. Carve (?), O darbhá, my rivals; carve those etc. etc.

The Pet. Lex. (under root piṣ) proposes to emend in this verse pinçá to piṅsá. As, however, we have root piṣ below in 29. 6, there seems to be no sufficient reason for substituting it here. One of SPP's mss. reads here pīṅṣá p.m. ⌊piṅçá s.m.⌋.

10. Pierce, O darbhá, my rivals; pierce those etc. etc.

The mss. vary here between vídhya and vidhyá. ⌊Ppp. reads viddhi.⌋

29. Continuation of the foregoing.

[As 28. navakam.]

This is a mere continuation of the preceding hymn, and it is hard to see why they are divided. They are found together in Pāipp. xiii. ⌊Ritual use under 28.⌋

Translated: Griffith, ii. 286.

1. Gore, O darbhá, my rivals; gore those that fight against me; gore all my enemies; gore my haters, O amulet.

Half the mss. accent in this verse nikṣá. The comm. follows the dhātupāṭha in interpreting it to mean cumba 'kiss'! ⌊He intends rather the root cumb 'harm,' hiṅsāyām, not cumb, vaktrasaṁyoge.

2. Bore, O darbhá, my rivals; bore those etc. etc.

The comm. glosses the verb with nāçaya.

3. Obstruct, O darbhá, my rivals; obstruct those etc. etc.