Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/489

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-xix. 31

3. Rich in manure, rich in fruit, svadhā́ and cheer (írā) in our house—prosperity let Dhātar assign to me through the keenness (téjas) of the [amulet] of udumbára.

A few of the mss. again accent púṣṭim. Ppp. reads in a karīṣiṇaṁ phalāvatīṁ. The comm. explains irā first as = bhūmi, and then as = ilā gāuḥ = gāvaḥ.

4. Both what [is] two-footed and what four-footed, what foods [there are], what savors (rása)—I seize (grah) the abundance of them, wearing the amulet of udumbára.

Some of the mss. read rásā at end of b. In c, our téṣām is an obviously called-for emendation; most mss. read tvéṣām or tveṣām (p. tú: éṣām or tú: eṣām); SPP. strangely gives tvéṣām in saṁhitā and tú: eṣām in pada, the two not agreeing together; the comm. either reads eṣām simply or overlooks the tu in his exposition. Ppp. gives gṛhṇīyāṁ teṣāṁ bhāumānaṁ.

5. I have seized all (pári-) the prosperity of cattle, of quadrupeds, of bipeds, and what grain [there is]; the milk of cattle, the sap (rása) of herbs, may Bṛihaspati, may Savitar confirm to me.

Nearly all the mss. accent this time puṣṭím.

6. Let me be the over-ruler of cattle; let the lord of prosperity (puṣṭá-) assign to me prosperity; let the amulet of udumbára confirm to me possessions (dráviṇa).

SPP. leaves asāni in a unaccented, though every ms. but one (doubtless an accidental exception) accents it, and defensibly, on the ground of antithesis.

7. Unto me the amulet of udumbára, with both progeny and riches: the amulet quickened by Indra hath come to me together with splendor.

Either Ppp. lacks 6 d and 7 a-c, or so much of its text is lost in the manuscript. Owe jinvitás in c was an emendation, all the mss. (SPP's as well as ours) giving jinvátas, and Ppp. likewise; but the comm. has jinvitas, and SPP. accordingly adopts it also in his text. Some of the mss. leave upa at the beginning unaccented.

8. The heavenly amulet, rival-slaying, riches-winning, in order to the winning of riches: let it confirm [to me] abundance of cattle, of food, [and] fatness of kine.

Nearly all the mss. read in d sphā́tir ní; ⌊disregarding the accent, five of SPP's authorities show sphātim⌋; SPP's text agrees with ours ⌊sphātím⌋, the comm. having the same. Ppp. again has bhāumānaṁ in c.

9. As in the beginning thou, O forest tree, wast born together with prosperity, so let Sarasvatī assign to me fatness of riches.

Some of the mss. accent púṣṭyā, and all ⌊but four⌋ leave jajñiṣe unaccented. The majority accent sphā́tim in c. Ppp. reads in d ā dadātisarasvatīm (or -tī?)⌋.

10. Riches, fatness of milk, and grain shall Sarasvatī, shall Sinīvālī, and this amulet of udumbára bring to me.