Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/492

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xix. 32-

In a, SPP. reads more correctly divás, with nearly all the mss. The comm. reads atṛṇas; he explains aty atṛṇas by atikramya gatavān asi or veṣṭitavān asi, and ni tṛṇadmi by veṣṭayāmi, both very unsuitably. The meter clearly calls for ca at the end, and Ppp. has it; whether the comm. means to acknowledge it as part of the text is doubtful; his text, according to SPP., does not present it. ⌊None of the other authorities has ca, but the Berlin ed. gives ca by emendation.⌋ Ppp. reads in b tisro dyāṁ pṛth-.

5. Thou art overpowering; I am full of power; may we, both of us, becoming full of power, overpower our rivals.

The comm. reads in a sahamānā; Ppp. in a-b, -no aham. To be compared is iii. 18. 5 (RV. x. 145. 5), which ends grammatically with a dual, sahāvahāi. Our sahiṣīvahiSkt. Gram. §907⌋ was an emendation, but is given also by Ppp.; the mss., SPP., and the comm., have -mahi.

6. Do thou overpower our hostile plotter, overpower those that fight us; overpower all enemies (durhā́rd); make for me many friends (suhā́rd).

Most of the mss. read in d bahúm; Ppp. and the comm. and two of SPP's authorities and one of ours have bakūn. Ppp. combines and reads in a, b no ‘bhimātihaṁ sakarvā pṛ-.

7. With the darbhá, god-born, constantly sky-propping—with it I have constantly won and shall win men (jána).

In a most of the mss. read devajāténa; SPP. with us. In b, SPP. follows the mss. in giving diví ṣṭambhéna (p. diví: stambhéna) our emendation to diviṣṭambhéna is obviously required, and is assumed by the comm. In c, our jánāṅ was an emendation for the jánās of the mss.; but two of SPP's mss. read jánāṅ, and it is accepted also in SPP's text. The comm. supports it by giving janān; ⌊and his text has janān asanam⌋. ⌊Ppp. also has janān, as noted below.⌋ In d, nearly all the authorities read ásanām (three of them have ásanānt s-), but SPP. finds among his, two that agree with the ⌊text of the⌋ comm. in presenting ásanam, which he adopts, and which is undoubtedly the true text; the aorist is the tense that best suits the connection. ⌊This remark seems to involve the implication that asanām might be an imperfect of the -class; but that can hardly have been Whitney's intention.⌋ Ppp. reads janān asanāṁ, ⌊and, in b, divaṣṭambhena.⌋

8. Make me, O darbhá, dear to Brahman-and-Kshatriya, both to Çūdra and to Āryan, and to whomsoever we desire, and to every one that looks abroad.

That is, 'every one that has eyes to see.' ⌊Cf. 62. 1, below, and VS. xviii. 48.⌋ A few authorities have the more proper accent -nyā́bhyām, but VS. xxvi. 2 (which has this and the following four words together) likewise accents -nyà-, as does SPP. Our çūdrā́ya was an emendation, all our mss. ⌊collated at time of publication⌋ having sūryā́ya, as do nearly all SPP's; but one of our later ones, with two or three of SPP's, the comm., and Ppp., give çūdrā́ya. All the mss. mis-accent vipáçate, most having vipaçyaté, others vípaçyate or vipaçyate; SPP. this time ventures to follow us in emending to ⌊vipáçyate⌋ the true reading. The Anukr. regards brahmarājanyā̀bhyām as belonging to the first pāda, and does not heed that the pāda has 13 syllables, one too many for a purastādbṛhatī.