Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/545

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-xix. 60
MBh. xii. 307 (or 306). 10 = xii. 11377, as cited by Hopkins, JAOS. xxiii. 111; cf. also English inside and out (out = outside); Goethe's Jeden Nachklang fühlt inein Herz froh- (= froher) und trüber Zeit; etc.⌋

2. If we, O gods, detract from (pra-mī) your [ordained] courses—we that are very unknowing, of you that are knowing—let Agni the all-devouring fill that up, knowing, and the soma that has entered the Brahmans.

The first three pādas are RV. x. 2. 4 a-c, found also in TS. i. 1. 144 and MS. iv. 10. 2. All these read in c víçvam ā́ pṛṇāti; our viçvā́d (p. viçva॰át) can only be regarded as a corruption; the translation, however, follows it, as being the real Atharvan reading; SPP. adopts it in his text, against the comm., who reads and explains viçvam. The comm. agrees with RV. etc. further in giving pṛṇāti. As for the last pāda, we had it above as d of xviii. 3. 55; it is also a RV. phrase, and found elsewhere: see under that verse.

3. We have come unto the road of the gods, to convey (vah) along forward what we may be able; Agni [is] knowing; he shall make offering; he verily is hótar; he shall arrange the sacrifices (adhvará), he the seasons.

The verse is RV. x. 2. 3, and found also in TS. i. 1. 143, MS. iv. 10. 2, and ÇB. xii. 4. 41. These texts read in c, d sé ’d u hótā só adhv-, and all save ÇB. accent ánu in b. The comm's text also has the RV. reading se ’d u hotā. The verse, with the Atharvan readings in c, d, is found in full in Kāuç. 5. 12, in the parvan-ceremonies. In the same ceremonies it accompanies in Vāit. 3. 5 an offering to Agni sviṣṭakṛt; and again, in Vāit. 19. 12, an after-offering to various gods. ⌊As for the critical significance of the citation of the vs. in sakalapāṭha, see p. 897, ¶3.⌋

60. For physical abilities.

[Brahman.—dvyṛcam. mantroktavāgādidāivatam. 1. pathyābṛhatī; 2. kakummatī purauṣṇih.]

⌊Prose.⌋ As was noticed above, the hymn is wanting in Pāipp. Hymns 60-63, both text and explication, are lacking in the comm. The comm., at p. 5175, assigns only fourteen hymns to this the final anuvāka; ⌊but at p. 5529 he numbers the last hymn as the thirteenth, having combined hymns 69 and 70 of the Berlin ed. into one of 5 vss. (pañcamantrātmakaṁ sūktam, p. 5481): both numbers are at variance with the⌋ eighteen of the mss. ⌊in general: but see under h. 65⌋ and of the Anukr. The hymn is quoted in Kāuç 66. 1 in the savayajña chapter ⌊see table on p. 896⌋; the mss. of Kāuç. read āsyan ⌊like the AV. mss.⌋.

Translated: Griffith, ii. 317.

1. Speech in my mouth, breath in my nostrils, sight in my eyes, hearing in my ears, my hair not gray, my teeth not broken, much strength in my arms.

A similar enumeration is found in TS. (in v. 5. 92), TA. (x. 72, in supplement: ⌊p. 887 of Poona ed.⌋), and PGS. (in i. 3. 25): vā́n̄ ma āsán (PGS. āsye) nasóḥ prāṇò ‘kṣyóç cákṣuḥ kárṇayoḥ çrótram bāhuvór bálam ūruvór ójó ‘riṣṭā víçvāny án̄gāni (PGS. ‘riṣṭāni me ‘n̄gāni) tanū́s tanúvā me sahá; it covers both verses of our hymn