Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/549

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-xix. 67

65. Praise of the sun.

[Brahman.—ekarcam. jātavedasam; sāuryam. jāgatam.]

Found also in Pāipp. xvi. The comm. says that hymns 65-67 are shown by their contents to belong to the worship of Sūrya.

Translated: Griffith, ii. 319.

1. A yellow eagle, thou hast ascended unto heaven (dív) with radiance (arcís); whoso (pl.) would injure thee flying up to heaven, them smite thou down with flame (háras), O Jātavedas, unfearing; ascend unto heaven, O sun, formidable, with radiance.

By metrical evidence, jātavedas in c is an intrusion ⌊although obviously older than the Anukr.⌋, besides being at least superfluous in sense. The mss. read bíbhyad ugro ‘rc- (p. bíbhyat: ugraḥ) but SPP. emends to ábibhyat: ugráḥ, as we had done ⌊but neglects the necessary abhinihita svarita⌋; the comm. so understands the words. Ppp. reads ugro arciṣā in d.

After this hymn, three of our mss. (P.M.W.) insert as next hymn, numbering it 66, the one-versed RV. i. 99, without variant.

66. To Agni: for aid.

[Brahman.—ekarcam. jātavedasam; sāuryam; vajradevatyam. atijāgatam.]

Found also in Pāipp. xvi. The comm. connects it in use with the preceding hymn.

Translated: Griffith, ii. 319.

1. The trickish Asuras that go about, having metal nets, hooking with fetters of metal, them I make subject to thee with flame, O Jātavedas; go thou, a thousand-barbed thunderbolt, slaughtering our rivals.

Ppp. combines in a -jālā ’surā, and reads in b ayasmāi p-; in c it seems to give harase, which would be an acceptable emendation. Our sahásrabhṛṣṭis in d is for the -hṛṣṭis (the majority) or -dṛṣṭis ⌊two⌋ or -hraṣṭis ⌊two or three⌋ or ⌊-haṣṭis or -hraṣṭi or⌋ -hruṣṭis or -riṣṭis or -bhṛṣṭis (all these, one each) of the authorities; SPP. reads, with the comm., -ṛṣṭis. SPP. also follows the comm. in adopting pāhi, against the majority of his authorities (though in such a case their reading, whether pā- or yā-, is extremely doubtful); ⌊here the testimony of his oral reciters is of especial weight, and they (his K. and V.) gave yāhi⌋.

67. For long life and prosperity.

[Brahman.—aṣṭāu. sāuryam. prājāpatyā gāyatrī.]

Not found in Pāipp. According to the comm., it is used in the same manner as the two preceding hymns. ⌊Cf. khila to RV. i. 50.⌋

Translated: Griffith, ii. 319.

1. May we see a hundred autumns.

2. May we live a hundred autumns.

3. May we wake a hundred autumns.