Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/56

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viii. 10-

The introductory clause só ’d akrāmat, which belongs to the paragraphs from here on to 29 inclusive (8-17 counting in this respect as a single paragraph), is omitted by the mss., according to their custom, almost without exception, until the last paragraph, 29, where all give it; it is restored throughout in our edition. R. alone gives it in this paragraph.

4. She ascended; she descended in the southern ⌊dákṣiṇa⌋ fire: justified (? -ṛtá) by the offering, fit for sacrificial gifts ⌊dakṣiṇī́ya⌋, fit for refuge (vā́sateya) becometh he who knoweth thus.

Our pada-mss. divide yajñártas into yajña॰ṛ́taḥ, which is evidently wrong, for yajñá॰ṛtaḥ ⌊as indeed two of SPP's read⌋; and the quotation of the word under Prāt. iii. 64 also indicates that the latter is the true accent. Ppp. reads instead yajñāntas, and omits after it dakṣiṇīyas.

5. She ascended; she descended in the assembly (sabhā́): [men] go to his assembly, fit for the assembly becometh he who knoweth thus.

6. She ascended; she descended in the gathering (sámiti): [men] go to his gathering, fit for gatherings becometh he who knoweth thus.

This superfluous equivalent of §5 is wanting in Ppp.

7. She ascended; she descended in address (? āmántraṇa); [men] go to his address, fit for address becometh he who knoweth thus.

By the connection, āmántraṇa ought to involve the idea of a locality. Instead of ⌊line 2?⌋, Ppp. repeats yajñānto vāsateyo bhavati etc. from §4.

[Paryāya II.daçakam. 8, 16. sāmny anuṣṭubh (8. 3-p.); 9. uṣṇiggarbhā 4-p. upariṣṭādvirāḍ bṛhatī; 10. 1-p. yājuṣī gāyatrī; 11 [?], 14. sāmnī pan̄kti (11. 1-p.); 12. virāḍ gāyatrī; 13. ārcy anuṣṭubh; 15. āsurī gāyatrī; 17. sāmnī bṛhatī.]

8. She ascended; she stood striding (? víkrāntā) fourfold in the atmosphere.

The phrase 'she ascended' is prefixed by only one or two of the mss. (P.s.m.R.), but is implied in the metrical description of the Anukr.

9. Of her gods and men said: "she verily knoweth that upon which we of both classes may subsist; let us call to her."

Ppp. reads at the end hvayāmahi (without iti).

10. They called to her:

11. "O refreshment, come! O svadhā́, come! O pleasantness, come! O thou rich in cheer (írā), come!"

Ppp. combines svadhe ’hi and sūnṛte ’hi, and omits iti at the end (as in §9).

12. Of her Indra was the young (vatsá), gāyatrī́ the halter, cloud the udder;

Ppp. begins tasyā ’gnir vat-. Accent in our text, with all the mss., āsīt.