Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/79

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-ix. 5

The second half-verse is identical with 7 c, d above. Ppp. has, for d, pañcodano brahmaṇe dīyamānaḥ (our 9 c, 10 c).

12. Desiring to obtain the world of the well-doing that have made offerings, one gives to a priest a goat with five rice-dishes; do thou conquer complete attainment (vyā̀pti) unto that world; be he, accepted, propitious to us.

Ppp. begins pra jyotiṣmantaṁ sukṛtāṁ lok-; and reads c, d thus: sa vyāpo neṅṣ abhi lokaṁ jayā ’sme çivo ‘smabhyaṁ pratigṛhyate ‘dhi.

13. The goat verily was born from the heat of the fire, wise, of the wise (vípra), of power, he the inspired one; what is offered, is bestowed, is conferred (abhípūrta), accompanied with váṣaṭ—that let the gods prepare in due season (rtuçás).

The first pāda is identical with iv. 14. 1 a. Ludwig (also p. 370) proposes to emend in c to gūrtam abhigūrtam. Part of the mss. blunderingly accent ṛtuçàs in d. Ppp. has in b vayodha instead of vipaqcit, and in c puts purtam before istam. The last two padas are irregular, but the Anukr. takes no notice of it. ⌊Pāda c is a good jagatī; and d, a good triṣṭubh, if we read devā́sas, or (with Henry) tád íd.⌋

14. A home-woven garment he may give, also gold as sacrificial gift; so he fully obtains the worlds that are heavenly and that are earthly.

15. Unto thee, O goat, let these streams of soma (somyá) go, divine, ghee-backed, honey-dripping; establish thou earth and sky, upon the seven-rayed back of the firmament.

The mss. in general (not P.M.) accent ája in a. They are rather evenly divided between ádhi and ‘dhi in d (W.I.O.R.T.K. have ‘dhi). Compare with a, b the refrain to iv. 34. 5-7. Ppp. reads for a: etās tvā dadhārā ’cchamayanti viçvatās somyaṁ;somyaṁ would seem to be the beginning of Ppp's b;⌋ in c, d, for uta...pṛṣṭhe, it gives divaṁ sadasva nāke tiṣṭhāsy. Pādas b, c are metrically irregular, but the Anukr. does not heed it.

16. A goat art thou; O goat, heaven-going (svar-gá) art thou; by thee the An̄girases foreknew [their] world; that pure (púṇya) world would I fain foreknow.

⌊Prose.⌋ The translation of a is according to the accent of the vocative ája; there may be a play on words between ajá 'goat' and ajá 'unborn': 'unborn art thou, O goat' (emending to aja). Ppp. reads for c taṁ lokaṁ anu pra jñeṣma. ⌊This vs. and the next are in its iii.⌋ The definition of the meter by the Anukr. seems senseless (7 [8?] + 11: 8 = 26). The third pāda is VS. xx. 25 c.

17. Wherewith thou carriest a thousand; wherewith, O Agni, [the offering of] one's whole possession—therewith carry thou this our offering to go to heaven (svàr) among the gods.

The verse is found also in VS. (xv. 55), TS. (iv. 7. 134; v. 7. 73), MS. (ii. 12. 4), and K. (xl. 12 ⌊but Schroeder under the MS. passage refers to K. xviii. 18⌋). VS. and MS. put sahásram after váhasi in a, and VS. reads ⌊yéna in a, and⌋ naya for vaha in c;