Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/88

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ix. 6-

43. He who, thus knowing, pouring out meat, presents [it]—as much as, having sacrificed with a very successful twelve-day sacrifice, one gets etc. etc.

44. He who, thus knowing, pouring out water, presents [it]—he arrives at (gam) firm standing in order to the generating of progeny; he becomes loved of progeny—he who, thus knowing, pouring out water, presents [it].

The second part of the verse, though not metrical ⌊seems to be scanned as 11 + 11 + 8 + 8 by the Anukr. (which, with the mss., reckons pratiṣṭā́m to the second pāda!)⌋. Ppp. reads in b gachati sarvam āyur eti: na punar ā jarasaṣ pra mīyate ya etc.

[Paryāya V.daçakaḥ. 45 a. sāmny uṣṇih; 45 b. purauṣṇih; 45 c, 48 c sāmnī bhurig bṛhatī; 46 a, 47 a, 48 b. sāmny anuṣṭubh; 46 b. 3-p. nicṛd viṣamā nāma gāyatrī; 47 b. 3-p. virāḍ viṣamā nāma gāyatrī; 48 a. 3-p. virāḍ anuṣṭubh.]

45. For him the dawn utters hing; Savitar preludes (pra-stu); Brihaspati with refreshment (ūrjáyā) sings the udgīthá; Tvashṭar with prosperity responds (prati-hṛ); all the gods [are] the conclusion (nidhána); the conclusion of thrift, of progeny, of cattle becometh he who knoweth thus.

Here and in the following verses ⌊cf. PB. iv. 9. 9⌋ are had in view the five successive parts or divisions of a sāman, of which the udgītha is the central and principal: cf. Chānd. Upan. ii. 2 ff. In this section also the majority of the mss. divide and number in accordance with our edition; the rest, with the Anukr., number the subdivisions successively. Our edition assumes the subdivision nidhánam bhū́tyāḥ to be repeated at the end of each of the four paragraphs; the Anukr. ⌊counting 10 (not 12) avasānarcas: cf. p. 546 below⌋ is against this; as for the mss., their testimony is nothing, since they all, in any case, write such an addition only the first time and the last, omitting all intermediate occurrences; it is altogether probable that the edition is right. The artificial description by the Anukr. of b as an uṣṇih, implies resolving ūrjáyā úd, and either púṣṭi-ā or víçu-e. Ppp. adds vāi after tasmāi, and bhūtyā after savitā, and reads ūrjā for ūrjayā.

46. For him the rising sun utters hing; cow-gathering time (saṁgavá) preludes; noon sings the udgīthá; afternoon responds; the setting [sun is] the conclusion: the conclusion of etc. etc.

Ppp. combines madhyandino ’d. The ⌊nicṛt⌋ "dissimilar gāyatrī," b, divides as 8 + 9 + 6 = 23.

47. For him the cloud, forming (bhū), utters hing; thundering, it preludes; lightenng, it responds; raining, it sings the udgīthá; holding up, it is the conclusion: the conclusion of etc. etc.

Ppp. reads vidyotamānaḥ pra stāuti stanayann ud gāyati aparāhṇa prati harati astaṁyaṁ nidhanam. The "dissimilar gāyatrī," b, is this time 10 + 6 + 6 = 22. Bp.Bp.2p.m.D. read várṣam, and several of the saṁhitā-mss. varṣaṁn instead of -ṣann. Cf. Chānd. Upan. ii. 3.