Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/95

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-ix. 8

12. Out of thy belly, lung, navel, heart, the poison of all etc. etc.

Ppp. rectifies the meter of a by inserting pari before klomnas, and makes c, d agree with our 9 c, d. The Anukr. brings out an uṣṇih (28 syll.) by unnaturally refusing to make the resolutions nābhi-ās and tu-at ⌊and scanning as 6 + 7: 8 + 7⌋.

13. They that break apart the crown, rushers against the head (mūrdhán)—not injuring, free from disease, let them run out, out at the orifice.

The 'they' in this and the following verses (13-18) is fem. The Pet. Lexx. take arṣaṇī́ in b as an independent noun (it is found only here), and conjecture it to mean 'pricking pains.'

14. They that rush unto the heart, that stretch along the vertebrae—not injuring etc. etc.

Prāt. iii. 47 prescribes the form uparṣánti (instead of upārṣánti: p. upa॰ṛṣánti) in this and the two following verses. Ppp. reads every time upadiçanti.

15. They that rush unto the two sides, that stab (nikṣ) along the ribs—not injuring etc. etc.

The Anukr. intends pārçvé to be read unresolved.

16. They that rush on crosswise, rushers in thy belly (vakṣáṇā)—not injuring etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in b vakṣaṇābhyaḥ, and omits the following te.

17. They that creep along the intestines, and confound the entrails—not injuring etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in b yāpayanti for mohayanti. ⌊Roth most ingeniously suggests that the Ppp. reading may mean āntrā, ni-y-āmayanti. Or is yāpayanti to be taken in a sense quite like our English 'cause (the bowels) to move,' i.e. 'produce diarrhœa'?⌋

18. They that suck out the marrow, and break apart the joints—not injuring etc. etc.

Ppp. reads in a anusarpanti for nirdhayanti. We are to resolve maj-jñ-o to fill out the measure.

19. They that intoxicate (maday-) the limbs, the yákṣmas, thy gripers—the poison of all yákṣmas have I exorcised from thee.

Ppp. reads in b ropaṇā saha. Some of our mss. (P.M.O.p.m.) read yé ’n̄gāni.

20. Of the visalpá, of the vidradhá, or of the vātīkārá, of the alaji—the poison etc. etc.

Ppp. again reads viçalyasya ⌊cf. under vi. 127. 1⌋; also, in b, vātīkālasya.

21. Forth from thy feet, knees, hips, buttock, spine, nape the pangs, from thy head the disease have I made disappear.

Ppp. reads, after te, gulphābhyāṁ jan̄ghābhyāṁ jānubhyām ūrubhyāṁ çro. p. bh.; it reads ānūkyāt in c, and inserts before çīrṣṇas, grīvābhyas skandhebhyas. It is apparently the intrusion of arṣaṇī́s that spoils the meter in our c.