Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/97

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-ix. 9

2. Seven harness (yuj) a one-wheeled chariot; one horse, having seven names, draws (vah) [it]; of three naves [is] the wheel, unwasting, unassailed, whereon stand all these existences.

Doubtless the sun. The verse is repeated as xiii. 3. 18. It occurs also in TA. iii. 11. 8, with anarvāṁ yene ’mā v. bhuvanāni t. in c, d (the accent of the verse is too corrupt to heed).

3. The seven that stand on this chariot—seven horses draw it, seven-wheeled; seven sisters shout at [it] together, where are set down the seven names of the kine.

RV. reads navante in c, and nā́ma in d.

4. Who saw it first in process of birth, as the boneless one bears (bhṛ) him that has bones? where forsooth the earth's life (ásu), blood, soul? who shall go to ask that of him who knows?

'Bears,' not in the sense of 'gives birth to,' but of 'carries' or 'supports' or the like.

5. Let him who truly knows ⌊here⌋ tell (brū) the set-down track of this pleasant bird; the kine extract (duh) milk from his head; clothing themselves in a wrap, they have drunk water with the foot.

Explained as relating to the clouds and the sun. The verse is vs. 7 in RV., and also in Ppp.; the latter reads çīrṣṇā in c.

6. Simple, not discerning (vi-jñā) with the mind, I ask about the thus set-down tracks of the gods; over the yearling (? baṣkáya) calf have the poets stretched out seven lines (tántu) for weaving.

7. I, not understanding (cit), ask here the understanding poets, I unknowing (vid), them that know; he who propped asunder these six spaces (rájas), in the form of the goat (? ajá)—was that also alone?

The sense of the last pāda is utterly obscure, and the version given only tentative; ajá is perhaps here really the 'unborn one,' as the translators render it. RV. reads in a ácikitvāñ cik-, and, in b, vidmáne, for which our vidvánas is apparently a mere corruption.

8. The mother portioned the father in righteousness, for with meditation (dhītí), with mind, came together in the beginning she, repugnant, womb-sapped, pierced; paying homage, verily, they went unto encouragement.

The version is in part only mechanical. Ppp. combines ṛtā ”babh- in a, and reads jajñe at end of b.

9. The mother was yoked to the pole of the sacrificial gift; the embryo stood among the wiles (? vṛjanī́); the calf bleated, looked after the cow of all forms, in the three distances (yójana).

⌊Kaṭha variants, WZKM. xii. 282, vṛjanéṣv antáḥ and yojáneṣu.—Cf. IFA. vi. 180, as noted above.⌋