Page:Atlantic Hurricane Season Letter to POTUS, RE Red Tape.pdf/2

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medical service options available to them in their own communities as roads and highways are impacted by debris, flooding, traffic, and emergency response activities.

  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) should explore disaster policies whereby drone regulations can be temporarily and safely lifted during disaster declarations to facilitate emergency relief efforts, such as helping victims obtain medications when the roads to their homes are blocked.
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) should ensure that there are sufficient protections in place for residents of HUD-assisted properties to prevent them from being forced back into living conditions that may have been made unsafe and unsanitary following a disaster.
  • The Department of Labor (DOL) should look to provide more flexibility to ensure that business reporting requirements do not paralyze businesses and workers whose most immediate priority should be providing assistance.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should expediently delay filing deadlines when necessary and consider rule reforms that enable disaster victims to make penalty-free early withdrawals from 401(k) and other retirement accounts.
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should be prepared to expedite the placement of portable residences and trailers in areas that have been devastated by storm surge to allow survivors to live on their properties.
  • The Department of Agriculture (USDA) should revise regulations for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program to allow local project sponsors 30 days to complete work for exigent circumstances and 365 days in nonexigent circumstances.
  • The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) should be prepared to implement emergency permitting procedures to expedite emergency work in response to disasters.

I respectfully request that your administration work directly with my office and the State of Florida to ease any other regulatory burdens associated with federal disaster relief and recovery that may require Congressional assistance.

Thank you for your prompt attention and consideration on behalf of Floridians, and all Americans, who may be impacted during this year’s hurricane season.

M< R
Marco Rubio
U.S. Senator