Page:Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (1882).djvu/293

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of the skull of the royal Inca line: the receding forehead here seems to be natural, and not the result of artificial compression.

peruvian inca skull, from the ancient
cemetery of pachacamac.

Both illustrations at the bottom of the preceding page show the same receding form of the forehead, due to either artificial deformation of the skull or to a common race characteristic.

We must add the fact that the extraordinary practice of deforming the skull was found all over Europe and America to the catalogue of other proofs that the people of both continents were originally united in blood and race. With the couvade, the practice of circumcision, unity of religious beliefs and customs, folk-lore, and alphabetical signs, language and flood legends, we array together a mass of unanswerable proofs of prehistoric identity of race.