Page:Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (1882).djvu/499

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  • Abaras, 441.
  • Ada, 171.
  • Ad, the people of, 236; "as old as Ad," 277; people of, colonized Arabia, 277; empire of, 278; language of, 278; at base of many races, 282.
  • Adah, sons of, 280.
  • Adam, 72; a red man, 193; composed books in Paradise, 230; author of arts and letters, 230, 329.
  • Ad-amah, 279.
  • Ad-ami, the, 236, 281.
  • Ad-im, 279.
  • Ad-ima, 279.
  • Adites, ancient people of Arabia, 27, 276; sun-worshippers, 277; red-men, 278.
  • Aditi, the, 280.
  • Aditya, the, 280.
  • Ad, Mashab, 279.
  • Ad-mi, 281.
  • Adon, 279.
  • Adonài, 425.
  • Adonis, 425.
  • Ad: Shed-Ad, ben, 276.
  • Ægean Sea, 25.
  • Ælian, 27.
  • Afghans, 185.
  • Africa, Egyptian circumnavigation of, 3.
  • Africans not all negroes, 404; red and white races among, 404, 405; origin of these, 407.
  • Agatharcides, 278.
  • Agni, the god, 467.
  • Agriculture, 141; origin of, 453.
  • Agros, 329.
  • Ahuramazda, 89.
  • Alcinous, Gardens of, 2, 323.
  • Alexander the Great, 136.
  • Allah, 425.
  • Alphabet, the, origin of, 214; Egyptians did not invent the, 214; slow growth of ages, 215; letters added by Greeks and Romans, 216; the Phœnician letters, 216; the Maya alphabet, 216; analyzed, 218; table of alphabets, 219; relation of Phœnician and Egyptian alphabets, 232; antiquity of, 235.
  • Amasis, King of Egypt, 7.
  • Ambrosia, 287.
  • America. Deluge legends of, 98.
  • American continent described by priests of Egypt, 10; ruled over by Atlantis, 11; Eastern origin of the races, 165, 167, 168; not all red men, 184; not all of same type, 190.
  • Amon, 465.
  • Ampheres, son of Poseidon, 13.
  • Amyander, 7.
  • Amynos, 329.
  • Ancestor-worship, 155.
  • Ancient ships, of Troy, 446; of Rameses the Great, 446; of Sesostris, 447; of Syracuse, 447; of the Romans, 447; of the Veneti, 447.
  • Animal-worship, 148.
  • Antediluvian patriarchs, 27; kings of Chaldea, 27.
  • Antediluvians, the, possessed an alphabet, 235.
  • Antlan, 168, 171.
  • Anubis, 236.
  • Apache, the, Flood legends, 117.
  • Apar, Aphar, Apara, 409.
  • Apaturia, 7.
  • Apis, 147.
  • Aqueducts, the, of Peru, 141.
  • Arabs, 27; red men, 193.
  • Ar-Ad, 279.
  • Arameans, their Deluge legend, 85.
  • Arch, the, 140; of Central America, 353, 354; of ancient Greece, 357; of the Etruscans, 357.
  • Architecture of Europe and America compared, 136.
  • Ark, the, venerated by different nations, 207; of the Mandans, 111; of the Egyptians, 359.
  • Armenia Major, list of cities in, 178.
  • Aryans, the, from Europe and Atlantis, 177, 423, 426, 456; not from Asia, 457; their civilization, 459; their religion, 462; the two great divisions of, 469.
  • Ascension, the island of, 43.
  • Asgard, 313, 324.
  • Asshurbanapal, 77.
  • Assyrian cycles, 29; exorcisms, 211.
  • Astronomy, perfection of, among ancient Egyptians, 364; origin of, 453.
  • Astynome, 330.
  • Atargatis, 86.
  • Athene, 7, 304.
  • Athens, ancient pre-eminence of, 9; led the forces opposed to Atlantis, 11; founded by Poseidon, 304.
  • At-hotes, the Egyptian god, 278.