Page:Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (1882).djvu/503

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  • Flood tablet, Calendar stone, Mexico, 107.
  • Flora of Europe and America compared, 54.
  • Flora of Pacific States of America, 59.
  • Fogo, 43.
  • Folk-lore, 150, 160.
  • Foolahs, the, 406.
  • Formorians, the, 408.
  • Frog Indians, 272.


  • Gadeirus, 13.
  • Gades, part of empire of Atlantis, 13; why so named, 13, 172.
  • Gæa, 303.
  • Gæthulighe, 411.
  • Galley, of Bronze Age, 256; of Romans, 257; of William the Conqueror, 257.
  • Gama, Vasqnez de, discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, 3.
  • Games the same on both continents, 162.
  • Garden of Eden, 1, 24; cross a symbol of, 320; described, 324, 325, 326.
  • Gauls, possessed traditions of Atlantis, 28; a civilized race, 134.
  • Ge, 308.
  • Genea, 329.
  • Genesis, 27; contains a history of Atlantis, 198; similarities to American legends, 199; its great antiquity, 212.
  • Genos, 329.
  • Geological formation of United States, 32; of Europe, 33.
  • Germans, ancient, a civilized race, 134.
  • Gettysburg, U. S. ship, explorations by, 53.
  • Geryon, 307.
  • Ghosts, belief in, on both continents, 146.
  • Gihon, the river, 312, 325.
  • Glacial Period, the, causes of, 50.
  • Gobi, 429.
  • Gold sacred in Assyria and Peru to the sun, 347.
  • Gold, a sacred metal of Atlantis, 343; a sacred metal of Peruvians, 345.
  • Golden Age, the, 290, 301.
  • Gomer, 412.
  • Gömüshtepe, 429.
  • Goths, ancient writings of, 236; their mythology, 313, 316.
  • Graham's island, 36.
  • Grave-cists, 139.
  • Gray, Professor Asa, on flora of the Pacific coast, 59.
  • Greeks, no history of antiquity, 6; their legends of the Deluge, 89; their divinities the rulers of Atlantis, 283.
  • Gunpowder, its antiquity, 447; known to ancient Chinese, 447; to the Phœnicians, 448; to Hindoos, 448; to Moses, 449; to Atlantis, 450.
  • Guanaani, inhabitants of, 196.
  • Guanches, 178, 179, 180, 473.
  • Guatemala, 26.
  • Gucumatz, 199.
  • Gulf Stream, 50.
  • Gulguntius, 409.
  • Gurani, 179.


  • Haadam, 281.
  • Hades, 288.
  • Ham, what races descended from, 436.
  • Hare, superstitious fear of, 147.
  • Harlequin, 210.
  • Haroeri, 442.
  • Havilah, 325.
  • Hayagriva, 88, 236.
  • Heads, hanging up of enemies', 208.
  • Hebrew language, similarity to Chiapenec, 234.
  • Hebrews, greater health of, 472.
  • Hecla, 43.
  • Hekatoncheires, 294; described, 299.
  • Hellenes, 8.
  • Hera, 86, 303.
  • Herculaneum and Pompeii, once called "the fabulous cities," 3.
  • Hercules, 300; Columns of, 10, 11, 27, 28; the stone of, 441, 443.
  • Hermes Trismegistus, 125.
  • Herodotus, increased respect for, 3; quotation from, 23; burial rites of Scythians, 136; describes the Maxyans, 196; describes Scythian mode of scalping enemies, 209, 333, 362.
  • Hesiod, 7.
  • Hesperides, the gardens of the, were in Atlantis, 288; golden apples of, 306.
  • Hesperis, 306.
  • Hiawatha, 149.
  • Hierapolis, 85; chasm of, 86.
  • Hieroglyphics, 214, 216, 233.
  • Himyaritic-Arabians, 194.
  • Hindoo legends of Deluge, 24, 86, 87, 181.
  • Hivim, 314.
  • Hivites, 314.
  • Homa, water of life, 27.
  • Homer, 7, 181, 297, 324.
  • Hood, Robin, 210.
  • Horse, race-courses and baths for, in Atlantis, 17; associated with Atlantis and Poseidon, 25; originated in North America, 54; domesticated in very ancient times, 55.
  • Hu, 93, 182; the writings of, 235.
  • Hu-hu-nap-hu, 182.
  • Hunaphu, 149, 182.
  • Hunbatz, 182.
  • Huncam, 182.
  • Hue Hue Tlapalan, 165, 384.
  • Humboldt, 151, 327, 335, 341, 426, 438.
  • Huns, the ancient, flattened the skull, 272.
  • Hurakan, a Central American god, 102.
  • Hurricane, origin of word, 103.
  • Hydrophoria, Greek ceremony having reference to Deluge, 90.
  • Hyksos, the, 333.
  • Hyperboreans, people from Atlantis visited the, 27.