Page:Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (1882).djvu/507

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  • Reaping-machine, on wheels, of the ancient Gauls, 134.
  • Red men, ancient Egyptians, 174.
  • Red a sacred color, 194; Cushites and Ethiopians red men, 194.
  • Religion of ancient races, 143; the great religions derived from red men, 195; the essence of is conservatism, 210.
  • Republican form of government, origin of, 452.
  • Retzius, Anders, Professor, 179.
  • Rhea, 300.
  • Round-towers, of Ireland, 410; of India, 417; of Sardinia, 417; of the Shetlands, 417; of New Mexico and Colorado, 418.
  • Rua, 314.
  • Ru-Ad, 279.


  • Sabæans, the, 278.
  • Sabian worship, 333.
  • Sailing-vessels known in ancient America, 142.
  • St. Brendan, of Ireland, visits America, 419.
  • St. Helena, 43.
  • St. Paul's Rocks, 49.
  • Sahara, sands of Desert of, 34.
  • Sais, city and district of, in Egypt, 7; priests of told Solon of Atlantis, 5, 7; description of, 7.
  • Sakkarah, 341.
  • Samé, 168.
  • Samson, 204.
  • Sanchoniathon, 308, 309, 310, 312, 329, 330, 445.
  • Sanscrit maps of Western Europe, 211.
  • Santorin, Gulf of, 37.
  • Sarku, the, 281.
  • Satar, a Gothic god, 316.
  • Saturn, 301.
  • Saturnalia, the Roman, 302, 464.
  • Saturnia, 301.
  • Saturnian continent, the, 289.
  • Satyravata, 88.
  • Satyrs, 148.
  • Savonarola, 190.
  • Scalping practised in Europe and America, 209.
  • Scandinavia, mythology of, 313, 324.
  • Scandinavian Flood legends, 93.
  • Scandinavians, 209; ancient, flattened the skull, 270.
  • Schlegel, Frederick, opinion of Herodotus, 3.
  • Schott, Dr. Arthur, 26, 140.
  • Scots, ancient, used iron swords, 134.
  • Sculpture, the art of, 140.
  • Scomalt, 117.
  • Scythians, their burial rites, 136, 412.
  • Seedless plants, 58.
  • Semiramis, 139.
  • Semitic, the, races, 177; from Atlantis, 423.
  • Serpent-mounds, 205.
  • Serpent-worship, 204.
  • Seth, the patriarch, 125.
  • Shedd-Ad-ben-Ad, 276.
  • Sheep, ancient, domestication of, 55.
  • Shem, the oldest son of Noah, 423; what races descended from, 436, 437.
  • Sicanes, an Iberian colony, 387.
  • Sicily, formerly submerged, 34.
  • Sidon, 25.
  • Silenus describes Altantis, 27, 28.
  • Silk, antiquity of manufacture of, 451; known to ancient Hindoos, 452; to ancient Chinese, 452; to Phœnicians, 452.
  • Silsbury Hill, England, 341.
  • Silver Age, the, 290.
  • Silver, a sacred metal of Atlantis, 343; sacred in Assyria to the moon, 347.
  • Similarities of customs, 150; of languages of Mandans and Welsh, 115; Dakota and European tongues, 116.
  • Sindree, submergence of, 38.
  • Sippara, City of the Sun, 75; antediluvian records buried there, 76.
  • Sirens, the Greek, 428.
  • Sithnides, 90.
  • Skull, artificial deformation of, 268; found in Europe, Asia, and America, 268; still practised in Normandy, 269; ancient Swiss skull, 270; Peruvian, 271; shape of in different races, 273; boring holes in by ancient nations, 273.
  • Slieve-donart, 122.
  • Solon wrote an account of Atlantis, 5; he visited Egypt, 5; verses by, 5; his poems recited, 7; his reception at Sais, 8.
  • Soma, 287.
  • Sorcerers who produce fair and foul weather, 148.
  • Spiral, the double, peculiar to Bronze Age, 262.
  • Stone Age in America and Europe, 206.
  • Stone Age of Europe, animals of, 55; its two divisions, 237.
  • Stone-beer, 156.
  • Strabo, 311, 387.
  • Submergences of the earth, 31, 34.
  • Suchiquecal, 199.
  • Sumbawa, convulsions in, 38.
  • Sun-worship, 143; Peru, 283; Egypt, 283; Babylonia, 283; Phœnicia, 283; Atlantis, 284; Samoyeds, 284; American races, 284.
  • Sutteeism, 155.
  • Swine-flesh, use of, 472.
  • Swiss, ancient, pottery of, 261; bronze implements of, 262.
  • Switzerland, fossil beds of, 56.
  • Sydyk, 329, 330.


  • Taaut, the Phœnician god who invented the alphabet, 309.
  • Taautos, 125.
  • Tai-Ko-Fokee, 427.
  • Tamahu, the, 407.
  • Tamhu, 194.
  • Tartars, the, 209.
