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ful pastime for invalids, to be found here. There are also here, what cannot be readily found in the Atlantic States,—men who have made hunting and trapping the business of their lives, and who, while they lend their knowledge of the craft to younger disciples, entertain them with volumes of humorous and exciting personal adventure with every sort of game, from a beaver to a grizzly, or a Blackfoot Indian.

The curious tourist may find in Oregon men who were with Sublette, Wyeth, and Bonneville in the mountains nearly sixty years ago; men who met there Stanley, the painter; Douglas, the botanist; Farnham, the would-be founder of a communist colony; men who hunted beaver and Indians with Kit Carson; who laugh at Fremont as a pathfinder: who served Wilkes on his surveying expedition; and who saw Oregon in danger of becoming an independent government, but whose stanch patriotism saved it to the republic of the United States.



I started from Portland in the forenoon of May 2, 1890, to "make the tour of the Sound," for in that familiar manner do Oregonians speak of a journey through that division of Washington which lies west of the Cascade Mountains. They have not quite forgotten that Washington was once a part of Oregon, and that in early times they warred with the British fur company for its possession, holding on with courage and pertinacity until the boundary question was settled in 1846, and conducting its affairs until 1853, when the territory north'of the Columbia set up for itself under the name it now bears as a State.

This, however, was not the title chosen by the territorial convention which petitioned Congress for a separate organization, at Monticello, on the Cowlitz River, in 1852, which convention asked for the adoption of Columbia as the name of their new commonwealth. But the bill was amended by Stanton, of Kentucky, and Washington substituted.