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Chelan. Some of these lakes are nearly one hundred- miles long, with a width of one-third that distance. Spirit Lake is one of the smaller class, and a bit of Swiss scenery, while Cceur d'Alene is widely celebrated for its beaut}', and Lake Chelan, in the Okanogan country, with an area of fifty square miles, is only waiting to be as well known to become its rival.

Clarke's Fork of the Columbia, or that portion of it known as the Pend d'Oreille River, furnishes some of the wildest and


grandest scenery to be found anywhere. It is a stream from onehalf to three-quarters of a mile in width between the lake and the Columbia, but when within twenty-five miles of the junction it rushes through a canon twenty feet in width, with walls from two hundred to six hundred feet in height. The water boils and tumbles, throwing its waves up forty feet. The gauge of a former flood is seen in a tree-trunk lodged between the walls