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"But truth, soon or late, it comes ever to light;
For Jamie came back, and your cheek it grew white.
White, white grew your cheek, but aye true unto me;
Oh, Jenny, I'm thankfu'—I'm thankfu' to dee!


"Is Jamie come here yet?" and Jamie they saw.
"I've injured you sair, lad, so leave you my a';
Be kind to my Jenny, and soon may it be!
Waste nae time, my dauties, in mourning for me."


They kiss'd his cauld hands; and a smile o'er his face
Seem'd hopefu' of being accepted by grace:
"Oh, doubtna," said Jamie, "forgi'en he will be;
Wha wou'dna be tempted, my love, to win thee?"



The first days were dowie while time slipp'd awa;
Though saddest and sairest to Jenny of a',
Was fearing she cou'dna be honest and right,
Wi' tears in her ee, while her heart was sae light.


But nae guile had she, and her sorrows away,
The wife of her Jamie—the tears cou'dna stay.
A bonnie wee bairn—the auld folks by the fire;—
O now she has a' that her heart can desire.