Page:Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes.djvu/31

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Baltimore Egg Bread
  • Two eggs,
  • Three cups of meal,
  • Four cups of sour milk,
  • One tablespoonful of lard,
  • One teaspoonsful of salt,
  • One-fourth teaspoonful of soda,
  • One and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

Beat eggs well together, add milk, meal, salt, soda and baking powder and lastly the hot melted lard. Bake in moderate oven. One cup of fresh corn cooked until tender may be added to the batter.

Southern Pastry
  • One cup of flour,
  • One-fourth teaspoonful of salt,
  • One-fourth cup of lard or butter.

Mix flour and salt, work lard lightly into the flour and mix with iced water to make stiff dough. Do not knead dough at all, just mix lightly together.

Griddle Cakes
  • One and one-half cups of stale bread crumbs,
  • Two cups of milk,
  • One tablespoonful of butter,
  • One teaspoonful of salt,
  • One-half cupful of flour.

Scald milk and pour over bread crumbs. Beat two eggs well together, then add salt, milk and bread crumbs, flour and lastly the melted lard or butter.