Page:Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes.djvu/71

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Three cups of white sugar,
Three-fourths cup of white Karo syrup,
Whites of two eggs,
Three-fourths cup of water,
One teaspoonful of vanilla.

Put sugar, syrup and water on to cook. Let it cook until it will form a hard ball when tried in cold water. Remove from stove and pour gradually over stiffly beaten whites. Add vanilla and one cup of nuts and beat until creamy. Pour into buttered plates and cut into squares when cold.


Shell and blanch burnt almonds and lay them in the open oven to dry, but do not let them brown. Put one cup of granulated sugar over the fire with a tablespoon of water; stir until it is well dissolved and comes to a boil . Drop into this the blanched almonds a few at the time and take them out immediately with a perforated spoon or candy dipper, laying them on waxed paper until they harden, or upon buttered plates.


Mix in a saucepan two cups of brown sugar, half a cup each of molasses (not sirup) and cream, half a cake of unsweetened chocolate, and four tablespoons of butter, bring to a boil slowly, taking care the sugar does not scorch before it is entirely melted, cook steadily until a little of the candy is brittle if dropped in cold water, add two teaspoons vanilla, turn into a greased pan, and cut into squares as soon as it is cool.