Page:Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 1.djvu/304

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List of Publications.

Gough (J. B.) The Autobiography and Reminiscences of John B. Gough. 8vo. Cloth, iu.

Grant, General, Life of. 8vo. 12s.

Guizot's History of France. Translated by Robert Black. Royal 8vo. Numerous Illustrations. In Parts. 2s. each (to be completed in about twenty parts).

Guyon (Mad.) Life. By Upham. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 7*. td.

——— Method of Prayer. Foolscap, is.

HALL (E. H.) The Great West; Handbook for Emigrants and Settlers in America. ' With a large Map of routes, railways, and steam communication, complete to present time. Boards, is.

Harrington (J.) Pictures of Saint George's Chapel, Windson Photographs. 4to. 63*.

Harrington's Abbey and Palace of Westminster. Photographs. 5/. 5*.

Harper's Handbook for Travellers in Europe and the East. New Edition. Post 8vo. Morocco tuck, 1/. u.

Hawthorne (Mrs. N.) Notes in England and Italy. Crown 8vo. xox. 6a

Hayes (Dr.) Cast Away in the Cold; an Old Man's Story 0/ a Young Man's Adventures. By Dr. I. Isaac Hayes, Author of The Open Polar Sea." With numerous Illustrations. Gilt edges, 6*.

Hazlitt (William) The Round Table; the Best Essays of William Hazlitt, with Biographical Introduction (Bayard Series). 2x. 6d.

Healy (M.) Shadow and Substance. A Novel. 3 Vols. il. 11s. 6d.

——— The Home Theatre. Small post 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Henderson (A.) Latin Proverbs and Quotations; with Translations and Parallel Passages, and a copious English Index. By Alfred Henderson. Fcap. 4to., 530 pp. 10s. 6d.

"A very handsome volume in its typographical externals, and a very useful companion to those who, when a quotation is aptly made, like to trace it to its source, to dwell on the minutiae of its application, and to find it illustrated with choice parallel passages from English and Latin authors. "—Times.

"A book well worth adding to one's library."—Saturday Review.

Hearth Ghosts. By the Author of 'Gilbert Rugge.' 3 Vols. 1l. 11s. 6d.