Page:Austen - Mansfield Park, vol. III, 1814.djvu/159

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harbour. I would not have been out of the way for a thousand pounds. Old Scholey ran in at breakfast time, to say she was under weigh. I jumped up, and made but two steps to the point. If ever there was a perfect beauty afloat, she is one; and there she lays at Spithead, and anybody in England would take her for an eight-and-twenty. I was upon the platform two hours this afternoon, looking at her. She lays just astern of the Endymion, with the Cleopatra to larboard."

"Ha!" cried William, "that's just where I should have put her myself. But here is my sister, Sir, here is Fanny;" turning and leading her forward;—"it is so dark you do not see her."

With an acknowledgement that he had quite forgot her, Mr. Price now received his daughter; and, having given her a cordial hug, and observed that she was grown into a woman, and he supposed would be wanting a husband soon,
