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10 LIST OF BOOKS "Works by Margaret Maria Gordon (nee Brewster). The Home Life of Sir David Brewster. By his Daughter. Second Editiou. Crown Svo, 6.s. Also a cheaper Edition. Crown Svo, 2s. 6d. Work; Or, Plenty to do and How to do it. Thirty-Sixth Thousand. Fcap. Svo, cloth, 2s. Gd. Workers. Fourth Thousand. Fcap. Svo, limp cloth, Is. Little Millie and her Fodr Places. Cheap Edition. Fifty-ninth Tliousand. Limp cloth, Is. , ^., , . , . „ Sunbeams in the Cottaoe; Or, What Women may Do. A Narrative chietly addressed to the Working Classes. Cheap Edition. Forty-fifth Thousand. Limp cloth, Is. Prevention; or. An Appeal to Economy and Common Sense. Svo, bd. The Word and the World. Twelfth Edition. 2d. , ,, , Leaves of Healino for the Sick and Sorrowful. Cheap Edition, limp cloth, 2s. The Motherless Boy. With an Illustration by Sir Noel Paton, R.S.A. Cheap Edition, limp cloth. Is. . . t- i Our Daughters; An Account of the Young Women's Christian Association and Institute Union. 2d. H.AY Macdowall Grant of Arndilly; His Life, Labours, and Teaching. New and Cheaper Edition. 1 vol. crown Svo, limp cloth, 2s. 6d. The Life of our Lord. , , , , , , ♦, By the Rev. William Hanna, D.D., LL.D. vols., handsomely bound m cloth extra, gilt edges, 30.S. Separate vols., cloth extra, gilt edges, 5s. each. 1. The Earlier Years of our Lord. Fifth Edition. 2. The Ministry in Galilee. Fourth Edition. 3. The Close of the Ministry. Sixth Thousand. 4. The Passion Week. Sixth Thousand. 5. The Last Day of our Lord's Passion. Twenty-third Edition. 6. The Forty Days after the Resurrection. Eighth Edition. The Resurrection of the Dead. By William Hanna, D.D., LL.D. Second Edition. Fcap. Svo, 5s. Notes of Caithness Family History. By the late John Henderson, W.S. 4to, in cloth, 21s. The High Estate of Service. Fcap. Svii, Is. Errors in the Use of English. Illustrated from the Writings of English Authors, from the Fourteenth Century to our own Time. By the late W. B. Hodgson, LL.D., Professor of Political Economy in the University of Edinburgh. Fifth Edition. Crown Svo, 3s. 6d. " Those who most need such a book as Dr. Hodgson's will probably be the last to look into it. It will certainly amuse its readers, and will probably teach them a good deal which they did not know, or at least never thought about, before."— Saturday Review. "His conversation, as every one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance knows, sparkled with anecdote and epigram, and not a little of the lustre and charm of his talk shines out of those pages."— T/ie Scotsman. Life and Letters of "W. B. Hodgson, LL.D., late Pro- fessor of Political Economy in the University of Edinburgh. Edited by Professor J. JL D. Meiklejoun, M.A. Crown Svo, 7s. 6d. Sketches: Personal and Pensive. By William Hodgson. Fcap. Svo, 2s. 6d. " Quasi Oursores." Portraits of the High Officers and Professors of the University of Edinburgh. Drawn and Etched by William Hole, A. R.S.A. The book is printed on beautiful hand-made paper by Messrs. T. & A. Constable. It contains 45 Plates (04 Portraits), with Biographical Notices of all the present Incumbents. The impression is strictly limited. Quarto Edition (750 Copies only for sale), £2, 10s. Folio Edition, Japan Proofs (100 Copies only for sale), £5, 10s.