Page:Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Valve Corporation (No 3).pdf/86

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"Suppliers and manufacturers guarantee that goods are of acceptable quality when sold to a consumer."

I, and many others, do not consider Legends of Dawn to be of "acceptable quality", not when I purchased it and not now.

As to the 5 hours played, I wanted to give the game a fair and honest assessment, not just have a knee jerk reaction.

As I originally said, I demand a refund and am well within my rights and the law to do so.


Byron Miles

295 On 5 August 2013, a response was sent by "Support Tech Grant" as follows:

Hello Byron

Unfortunately, we will be unable to assist you further with this issue.

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

296 On 5 August 2013, Mr Miles sent a message as follows:

Right well then we will see what the ACCC has to say.

297 On 6 August 2013, Mr Miles sent a written complaint to the ACCC via email about his experience. Mr Miles has not received a refund from Steam or Valve Corporation for "Legends of Dawn".

298 Mr Miller. Mr Miller is a 28 year old man, living in Tasmania. He has played video games since he was 7 years old. He plays video games daily. He has extensive knowledge of computers and computer software. The list of games that he has purchased or downloaded from Steam runs to 20 pages of closely spaced typescript. In 2012 and 2013, he purchased three video games called "NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits", "Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition" and "Anna". He experienced various problems with those games including, on different occasions, failures to load properly, lack of audio, no text or images, incorrect menu options.

299 On 2 May 2013, after Mr Miller previously bought two additional games, he downloaded those games which were called "Thirty Flights of Loving" and "Dear Esther". He experienced problems with both of them including no video, no audio, and, in the case of "Dear Esther" an inability to play the game.

300 On 7 January 2013, Mr Miller decided to request a refund for the first tranche of three games. He sent a message to the Steam Support as follows: