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32. If ministers are unsure about whether to bring an issue concerning the exercise of a statutory power or function to the Cabinet, they should seek guidance from the Prime Minister or the Cabinet Secretary.

Reviews and inquiries

33. Prior to announcing or commencing a review or public inquiry, Ministers must write to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister may determine that Cabinet consideration is required.

The Cabinet Secretary

34. The Prime Minister may appoint a Cabinet Secretary to manage the flow of business to the Cabinet.

35. The Cabinet Secretary has the authority to:

  1. settle the forward schedule of the Cabinet and the Cabinet Committee meeting dates
  2. respond to ministers' requests for authority to bring items forward for consideration by the Cabinet
  3. authorise the Cabinet and the Cabinet Committee agendas
  4. determine the appropriate format for Cabinet documentation
  5. consider variations to Cabinet minutes requested by ministers
  6. deal with practical issues regarding the co‐option of ministers not in the Cabinet and parliamentary secretaries, and attendance of officials.

36. The Cabinet Secretary attends all meetings of the Cabinet and is responsible for the smooth running of meetings and authorising the record of decisions (the Cabinet minutes). This includes responsibility for advising the Prime Minister on all questions connected with the appointment and organisation of Cabinet Committees, including membership and terms of reference. The Cabinet Secretary may also attend Cabinet Committee meetings.

Cabinet Division

37. The Cabinet Division (including the Cabinet Secretariat) is a part of the Government that provides continuity and impartial support for operations at the centre of government. It operates within PM&C and is staffed and managed by officers of PM&C. Cabinet Division exists to support the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Secretary and the Chairs of Cabinet Committees in ensuring that government business is conducted in an effective and timely way and that proper collective consideration takes place.