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9. Following any necessary consultations by officials, initiating ministers should write to all interested ministers, outlining the purpose and scope of the proposals and seeking their written agreement to the proposals.

10. Once agreement has been provided, the initiating minister should write to the Prime Minister advising the outcome of consultations and seeking approval for the proposed course of action.

Minor policy proposals involving legislation

11. If a minister believes that a proposal involving legislation does not warrant consideration by the Cabinet, they should write seeking the Prime Minister’s approval of the proposal.

12. The minister should also write to the Prime Minister if it is proposed to vary the implementation of a Cabinet minute in a manner which does not warrant reconsideration of the matter by Cabinet.

13. If not previously sought, minor policy approval should be sought at the time the minister submits a bid to have the legislation included on the program or as soon as possible after that. If it becomes apparent during the drafting of a bill that further approval is required for minor policy matters, the minister should write to the Prime Minister as soon as possible. Replies to requests for minor policy approval are signed by the Prime Minister, or the assistant minister to the Prime Minister on behalf of the Prime Minister.

14. For further details on approval of minor policy proposals see the Legislation Handbook.

Authority to bring forward a submission

15. Ministers seeking to have matters raised in the Cabinet must seek the Prime Minister's authority.

16. Letters seeking authority to bring an item forward should clearly outline the purpose and scope of the proposal, identify any financial implications and indicate if the proposal relates to the delivery of the Government's strategic priorities. If there is a critical date by which a decision is required, this should also be identified and supported by explanation. If there are any financial implications, the letter must be copied to the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance.

17. Matters involving revenue measures may only be brought forward with the agreement of the Treasurer (agreement may involve a joint submission with the Treasurer).

18. The Prime Minister or the Cabinet Secretary (on delegation from the Prime Minister) will respond in writing advising whether authority has been granted for the matter to be brought forward to the Cabinet or Cabinet Committee, the agreed scope of the proposal and any other conditions. If, after authority has been provided, there is a change in circumstances which requires alteration to the scope of the proposal, ministers must write again to the Prime Minister or the Cabinet Secretary seeking additional or varied authority.

19. Matters which the Cabinet (or Cabinet Committee) request to come forward for consideration do not require any further authority, provided that request is recorded in a Cabinet minute.