Page:Australian enquiry book of household and general information.djvu/92

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Mode: Cut up the vegetable marrow into square pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave over-night. Strain and put it into the vinegar, etc., and boil all together. When cold, bottle for use.

To Pickle Young Cucumbers.

Ingredients: Cucumbers, vinegar, whole pepper, ginger, salt.

Mode: Do not pick the cucumbers too small, as they are not best. Wipe them clean and put into a wide mouthed jar with a handful of coarse salt. Boil up some good vinegar and pour it over them. Let it stand three days and pour off and boil again. Repeat this four or five times or till the cucumbers begin to look green. Then add whole pepper and a little ginger. Will be fit to use in a month.

Tomato Vinegar.

Ingredients: Tomatoes, water, sugar.

Mode: Gather a large quantity of tomatoes, mash or pulp them and steep in cold water for 24 hours. Then draw off the liquid, add some sugar and let it ferment in the usual way.

Pickled Tomatoes.

Ingredients: Two dozen small round tomatoes, salt, vinegar, half ounce of pepper, half ounce of cloves, half ounce of allspice, one tablespoonful of mustard seed, a few bird’s eye chilies.

Mode: The small round tomato is the best for pickling. Take them just as they are turning colour, prick each one in two or three places with a darning needle. Put them into a large basin or deep jar and sprinkle a little coarse salt between each layer. Cover the jar or basin, and let them remain untouched for three days. At the end of that time wash them well from the brine and dry carefully. Put them into pickle bottles and cover them with the vinegar in which the other ingredients have been boiled, when cold fill up the bottles containing the tomatoes. They will be ready to use in a fortnight.

Green Tomato Pickle.

Ingredients: One gallon green

tomatoes, half teaspoonful each of cayenne peper, cloves and allspice (whole), three onions (sliced), three pounds apples (sliced), four and a half

pints vinegar, half a pound treacle.

Mode: Slice tomatoes, sprinkling a little salt over each layer. Let them, stand twelve hours, then drain off the water. Take all the ingredients but the tomatoes and bring to the boil. Then add the tomatoes and boil gently for twenty minutes not more. When cold, bottle and cork tightly.

Tomato Pickle.

Ingredients: One peck of tomatoes (small green), one ounce of cloves, two ounces of mustard seed, salt, vinegar and pepper.

Mode: Prick each tomato with a fork and then lay them in a deep pan, with plenty of salt over them. Cover them and let them remain for about three days. Then wash off the salt and cover with cold vinegar which has been previously boiled, the tomato juice, mustard seed, cloves and some pepper. Will be ready for use in three weeks or so.

Mustard Pickle.

Ingredients: One quart vinegar, one pound brown sugar, half a pound cinnamon in sticks, half a pound mustard (made), some whole pepper, two tablespoonsful black pepper, a little mace.

Mode: Place the above ingredients in a pan with the vinegar stirring together over the fire and let them just seethe up. Then pour into a jar, which should at least be half full, and whenever you have pieces of hard vegetable such as turnip, carrot, cucumber, melon rind, pumpkin rind, etc., etc., throw them in, first cutting them into shape. Cabbage stalk and cauliflower will make good pickles. When the jar is about half full, or every few weeks, put it into a pan of cold water over the fire and let the water come to the boil, and boil for five minutes, then remove, and go on filling as before, if there is not enough vinegar add more to it. When you throw in any pieces stir round the