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man is full of deep and tender interest, because in particular to know the things of God is the highest thing given to man. Shew them this out of School and you will not only double the value of their School, but you will be shaping their character for life; and instead of shirking idlers, or else sharp, calculating, forward prigs, you will make them earnest, solid, reverent-minded men.

But further, upon what does your own authority in your homes rest? and upon what higher authority than yours does the master hold authority over the children? Does he stand for you only, or for a Power higher than you? Brethren, do you not see that the root of all rightful authority, be it of parent or teacher, ruler or king or priest, lies in this that it comes from the One Authority, viz God? His Authority is perfect, not only because He is all powerful, but also because He is all good. His rule is perfect right, as well as perfect might, for He perfectly deserves to rule: we can give our whole hearts to Him, and not lose our freedom, for slavery to Him, is freedom for the slave. And those to whom any authority is committed, do not diminish, but increase it, if they remember themselves, and let it be seen by those over whom they rule, that they are "over them in the Lord," that their authority is from God. Such authority is natural and right; it appeals to the conscience it trains, but it does not crush; and it lasts when