Page:Autobiographies and portraits of the President, cabinet, Supreme court, and Fifty-fifth Congress (IA autobiographiesp02neal).pdf/143

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Henry Heitfeld, of Lewiston, was born in St. Louis, Mo., January 12, 1859; received his early education in the schools of that city; removed to Seneca, Kan., at the age of eleven years, where he continued to reside till the year 1882, in which year he emigrated to the State of Washington; located in Idaho in 1883, where he has been engaged in farming and stock raising since; was elected State senator in 1894 and reëlected in 1896; was elected United States Senator as a Populist, January 28, 1897; took his seat March 4, 1897. His term of service will expire March 3, 1903.