Page:Autobiographies and portraits of the President, cabinet, Supreme court, and Fifty-fifth Congress (IA autobiographiesp02neal).pdf/55

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Edward Douglass White, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was born in the parish of Lafourche, La., in November, 1845; was educated at Mount St. Mary's, near Emmitsburg. Md., at the Jesuit College in New Orleans, and at Georgetown (D. C.) College; served in the Confederate army; was licensed to practice law by the supreme court of Louisiana in December, 1868; elected State senator in 1874; was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of Louisiana in 1878; was elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat, to succeed James B. Eustis, and took his seat March 4, 1891; while serving his term as Senator from Louisiana was appointed, February 19, 1894, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and took his seat March 12, 1894.