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paring the System of Logic, 245; helps to annotate James Mill's Analysis, 307; further aids the Association Psychology by his great treatise on the Mind, 260, 274

Baldwin, first publisher of the Westminster Review, 95

Baring, Mr. Alexander, 99

Barrow Green House, 55

Bayonne, 57

Bazard, the St. Simonian, 166

Beales, Mr., 290

Beattie, 16

Beauchamp, Philip, pseudonyme of a writer whose work on religion greatly influenced the Author's mind, 69

Beaver's African Memoranda, 8

Belper, Lord, 77, 103, 118, 194

Bentham, Mr., his close intimacy with James Mill and the Author, 8, 54, 91; leading doctrines of, 64; sets up the Westminster Review, 91; his supposed school, 100; some of his followers, 63, 89, 91, 95; his editors, M. Dumont, Bingham, and the Author, 114; his estimate of poetry, 112; his earlier and later style, 1 16; his services to mankind, 204, 265; points on which his views need qualification or extension, 157, 198, 214, 230; the Author's published estimate of his philosophy, 218

Bentham, Sir Samuel, 56

Benthamism, 64, 105-113

Berkeley, 69

Bible, 39

Bigorre, hills of, 57

Bingham, Mr., writes for the Westminster Review, 95, 112; edits the "Book of Fallacies," 114; edits and writes for the "Parliamentary History and Review," 118

Birth, 2

Black, Mr. John, editor of the Morning Chronicle, 89, 103.

Blackstone, 64

Books, read by the Author in early life, 5-28, 47, 62-71, 113; afterwards noted, 120, 140, 160, 175, 191, 208; reviewed, 214-20, 260, 271; edited, 114, 307; written by him (see Mill)

Bowring, Sir John, 91-7, 130

Bradlaugh, Mr., 311

Bribery, indifference to legislation on, 300

Bright, Mr., 270, 287, 292 304

British public, their dread of change, 294

Brooke's Fool of Quality, 9

Brougham, Lord, 91, 195, 262

Brown's Lectures, 69

Brown, John, the voluntary martyr, 268

Buller, Charles, 103; joins the Debating Society, 128; in Parliament, 194-7; writes Lord Durham's report, 216

Bullion controversy, 28

Bulwer, 126, 198

Burdetts, 98

Burnet's History, 7

Burns, 16

Butler's Analogy, 38

Buxton, Mr. Charles, 297

Byron, 146; relative merits of his writings and Wordsworth's debated between Roebuck and the Author, 150

CAIRNES, PROFESSOR, his admirable work, "The Slave Power," 267; reviewed, 271

Cambridge, Benthamites at, 76, 103, 128; speakers of the Union, 126

Campbell's poems, 17