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Hamiltonian method, the Author begins German on the, 119

Hare, Mr., his admirable system of Personal Representation, 258

Hartley, 68, 123, 201

Hawkesworth's Voyages, 9

Hayward, 128

Hell, 41

Helvetius, 68

Heineccius, 64

Hercules, choice of, 47

Herodotus, 5

Herschel's "Discourse," 208

Hickson, Mr., 220

History, how amenable to logic, 210

History of India, by James Mill, 4, 6, 24

Hobbes, 18, 122, 158

Holy Alliance, 98

Homer, 10, 14

Hooke, 7, 12

Horace, 11, 15; precept of, 237

Howick, Lord, 126

Hughes, Mr., 270

Humbolt, Wilhelm von, on freedom of education, 255

Hume, 7, 69

Hume, Mr., 54, 90, 99

Huskisson, 99

Hyde Park, special reminiscence of, 34; threatened riot in, 290


Imagination, cultivation of the, 49, 112, 143

India, James Mill's History of, 4, 6, 24

Indian Government, 25, 81, 249

Individual, Sovereignty of the, 256

Induction, theory of, 182, 207, 224

International morality, 261

International Values, theories of, 121

Intervention, the Author's essay on, 261

Intuition, the school of, 226, 273

Ireland, the Author's pamphlet on, 293

Irish affairs, 118, 235, 287, 292

Isocrates, 5

Italy visited, 84, 249

JAMAICA, events in, 296

Joyce's Scientific Dialogues, 17

Judicial Evidence, Bentham's work on, edited, 116

Juggle, currency, the Author's article on the, 182

Jurist, article in the, 182

KINDS, the Author's theory of, 181, 221

LAFAYETTE, introduced to, 172

Land question, in Ireland, 235, 292

Langhorne's Plutarch, 7

Language, treated of, in System of Logic, 220

Latin authors, read, 5, 9, 20

Law, studies in, 63

Legislation, Bentham's works on, 64, 114

Legislative Commission, need of a, 264

Lenthéric, M., private tuition of, in higher mathematics, 58

Lessons taught and given in childhood, 5, 9, 17

Liberalism, 61, 98, 286

Liberal party, shortcomings of the, 194, 269, 301

Liberty, the Author's work on, 250

Livy, 11, 13

Locke's Essay, 68, 201

Logic, lessons in, 17; discussions on, 122; the Author's System of, 158, 180, 207, 221, 244