Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/152

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Year 1894—I Become a High-Class Fairie.

outlying fort where my soldier friends had returned because of the inconvenience of going thither. I believed I could find associates within a half-hour's journey from where I myself resided. I had decided to try my luck in the 14th Street theatre district, which was at that time a favorite promenade of fairies.

One evening I clad myself so as to present the most attractive appearance possible: a blue suit, with boxplaited, belted coat (Norfolk style); dark red necktie; white gloves; and patent-leather shoes. As a high-class fairie, I sought to dress in a distinctive manner, so as to be more readily recognized by my prey. Therefore unusually large neck bows and white gloves. Fairies are inclined to be loud in their dress. The excessive wearing of gloves and the wearing of a red neck-tie are almost universal with high-class fairies. Once a blackmailer to whom I would not hand out the three dollars demanded made good his threat to turn me over to a policeman, who took my red tie as conclusive evidence that I was a fairie. Of a fairie who was arrested for accosting on the street, I have heard it said: "He got thirty days for wearing a red tie."

On my first visit to the theatre district named, I promenaded up and down for about an hour, afraid to accost any adolescent. Finally one accosted me: "How's business? "

"How do you know my business?" I replied with a smile.

"Oh, I know all right. Didn't you get many tonight? "

"I was only looking for you. I cannot express how