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§ 3. The privileges of an elector shall be forfeited, by a conviction of bribery, forgery, perjury, duelling, fraudulent bankruptcy, theft, or other offence for which an infamous punishment is inflicted.

§ 4. Every elector shall be eligible to any office in this State, except in cases provided for in this Constitution.

§ 5. The select men and town clerk of the several towns, shall decide on the qualifications of electors, at such times, and in such manner, as may be prescribed by law.

§ 6. Laws shall be made to support the privilege of free suffrage, prescribing the manner of regulating and conducting meetings of the electors, and prohibiting, under adequate penalties, all undue influence therein, from power, bribery, tumult and other improper conduct.

§ 7. In all elections of officers of the State, or members of the General Assembly, the votes of the electors shall be by ballot.

§ 8. At all elections of officers of the State, or members of the General Assembly, the electors shall be privileged from arrest, during their attendance upon, and going to, and returning from the same, on any civil process.

§ 9. The meetings of the electors for the election of the several State officers by law annually to be elected, and members of the General Assembly of this State, shall be holden on the first Monday of April in each year.