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(2) against Khutlan, Muzaffar Husain Mirza with Muhammad Baranduq Barlds. He himself moved for Hisar.

When those in Hisar heard of his approach, they took their precautions ; SI. Mas'ud Mirza did not judge it well to stay in the fort but went off up the Kam Rud valley -"^ and by way of Sara-taq to his younger brother, Bai-sunghar Mirza in Samar- kand. Wall, for his part drew off to (his own district) Khutlan. Baqi Chaghdnldm, Mahmud Barlds and Quch Beg's father, 81. Ahmad strengthened the fort of Hisar. Hamza SI. and Mahdi SI. (Auzbeg) who some years earlier had left Shaibani Khan for (the late) SI. Mahmud Mirza's service, now, in this dispersion, drew off with all their Auzbegs, for Qara-tigin. With them went Muhammad Dughldt^ and SI. Husain Dughldt and all the Mughuls located in the Hisar country.

Upon this SI. Husain Mirza sent Abu'l-muhsin Mirza after SI. Mas'ud Mirza up the Kam Rud valley. They were not strong enough for such work when they reached the defile.^ There Mirza Beg Flringt-bdz^ got in his sword. In pursuit of Hamza SI. into Qara-tigin, SI. Husain Mirza sent Ibrahim Tarkhan and Yaq'iib-i-ayiib. They overtook the sultans and tol- 33- fought. The Mirza's detachment was defeated ; most of his begs were unhorsed but all were allowed to go free.

{b. Bdbur's reception of the Auzbeg sultans.)

As a result of this exodus, Hamza SI. with his son, Mamaq SI., and Mahdi SI. and Muhammad Dughldt ^ later known as Hisdrl and his brother, SI. Husain Dughldt with the Aiizbegs dependent on the sultans and the Mughuls who had been located in Hisar as (the late) SI. Mahmiid Mirza's retainers, came, after letting me know (their intention), and waited upon me in Ramzan (May-June) at Andijan. According to the

1 H.S. Wazr-ab valley. The usual route is up the Kam Rud and over the Mura pass to Sara-taq. Cf.i.Sib.

2 i.e. the Hisari mentioned a few lines lower and on f. 996. Nothing on f. 996 explains his cognomen.

3 The road is difficult. Cf. f. 8i6.

  • Khwand-amir also singles out one man for praise, SI. Mahmud Mir-i-

akhwur ; the two names probably represent one person. The sobriquet may refer to skill with a matchlock, to top-spinning [fifnagl-bdz) or to some lost joke. (H.S. ii, 257.)