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Qasim with a large body of braves. We rode from Mahan by the Khasban (var. Yasan) plain, crossed the Chupan (Shepherd)- bridge and so to Aura-tipa.^

(t, Qambar-'all punishes himself.)

Trusting to Tambal, Qambar-'ali went from his own district (Khujand) to Akhsi in order to discuss army-matters with him. Fol. 78;. Such an event happening,^ Tambal laid hands on Qambar-*ali, marched against his district and carried him along. Here the (Turki) proverb fits, * Distrust your friend ! he'll stuff your hide with straw.' While Qambar-*ali was being made to go to Khujand, he escaped on foot and after a hundred difficulties reached Aura-tipa.

News came to us there that Shaibani Khan had beaten Baqi Tarkhan in Dabiisi and was moving on Bukhara. We went on from Aiira-tipa, by way of Burka-yilaq, to Sangzar ^ which the sub-governor surrendered. There we placed Qambar-*ali, as, after effecting his own capture and betrayal, he had come to us. We then passed on.

{u. Affairs of Samarkand and the end of *A ll-dosU)

On our arrival in Khan-yurti, the Samarkand begs under Muh. Mazid Tarkhan came and did me obeisance. Conference was held with them as to details for taking the town ; they said, ' Khwaja Yahya also is wishing for the pddshdh ;* with his consent the town may be had easily without fighting or dis- turbance.' The Khwaja did not say decidedly to our messengers that he had resolved to admit us to the town but at the same time, he said nothing likely to lead us to despair.

Leaving Khan-yurti, we moved to the bank of the Dar-i-gham

(canal) and from there sent our librarian, Khwaja Muhammad

Fol. 79. *Ali to Khwaja Yahya. He brought word back, * Let them

come; we will give them the town.' Accordingly we rode

from the Dar-i-gham straight for the town, at night-fall, but

^ Point to point, some 90 m. but further by road.

2 BH waqi' bulghdch, maxiifestly ironical.

3 Sangz^r to Aura-tlpS, by way of the hills, some 50 miles.

  • The Sh. N. Vamb6ry, p. 60, confirms this.