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ing point he returned to the scene of his discomfiture and dispatched the valiant little fighter, vowing vengeance on every "pesky skunk" in the country.

The Skunk is a courageous animal. He carries himself well and seems to be proud of his personal appearance. When full-grown he is about the size of a large cat. He is shaped more like the raccoon, his hind-quarters being his tallest point. This gives him the appearance of walking on his toes. He is plantigrade (flat-footed), like the bear family. His fur is a thick, glossy black, beautifully trimmed with snow-white. A narrow white ribbon separates his jet black nose. The back of his neck and shoulders are handsomely trimmed with the same pure white. He holds his handsome, plume-like tail, with its white tassel—like a big snow-ball stuck on the end of it—very high.

In habit he is not much given to walks during the day, but takes his exercise in the early morning and evening. Our musky friend is no vegetarian, his visits to the hen house is one of his worst crimes. He has a perfectly marvellous ap-