Page:Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period.djvu/21

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to be inquired into, and7 safely thou, our lord, hast delivered us. 8Now 9we want to give lambs 8 together with the lambs of the palace. lc The matter will be inquired into and 11 safely we shall be delivered. 12 After, by royal tetter, 13 I lulu- ib[ni (about 10 lines missing) - ] * the word which we say to them they do not hear (the rest is nearly quite unintelligible)

Several letters the envelop of which probably had the address ana beliia have no introduction at all. One of the most interesting texts of this kind is No. rig, bringing a law-case of a certain lime-Adad against his brother Mu§addtim before the king. The writer is not mentioned in the text: probably he was a high official (SSpiruf) at the place where the wronged man was living. The letter runs as follows.

(3. No. 119)1 O. 'i£-me- ilu adad m&t ig-mil-^sln wa[rad-ka] ki-a-am ik-bi-a-ain urn-ma 3ti-[ma] I ^amtam libbi 55 bit a-bi-ia a-na-ku u ah-hu-ia 5. a-na kaspim a-na tamkarim m-id-di-in-ma [kas]ap-£a ni-iUki-e ^mtarn su-a-ti it-ti tamkarim a-na-ku ap-tuHi[r-s]i-m[a] ka-nMk-3i na-^i-[a-ku] io, is-tu Sattim X Maiu| ^amtum si-i ma-ah-ri-ia [wa-d$-ba-at] 1 * ah-hu-ia LL^ul ib-ku-rju-si] 1 CJ. the photogrnphk rtprrhiuclian nn pt. CM.